Owned, reminded me of this Diddy who kept trying to go for nanners and only met Zair.I was Samus at the time. I lost once, and then we went to my stage, Battlefield. I won that round, but then we went to Final Destination. It was ridiculous that my friend used the Sword Spin and I was hit by the tip of it, which resulted in my loss. I was angry. I said to my brother, "I'm the winner of that match. It's ridiculous that I would lose like that." Really, it was. We were both on our last stock at high percent. Still, I can look back when my friend told my brother through Mibbit, "I'm bringing out my secret weapon," so I decided that I'd play as Donkey Kong and I whooped Link.
I don't like online matches, though. I couldn't perform my z-air as effectively as I would have if it were offline. What made me angry was the fact that he was trying to use my methods against me. Believe it or not, he was trying to z-air me with Link. I hate it when people use my techniques instead of learning on their own. I laughed though, when he tried to use z-air on me with Link, and it missed due to the short length, but then I z-aired from the same spot and hit him.
And I love BF for Samus, its like her playground along with D plaza. I play dirty on D plaza. xD People ban it when we play. "What stage are you banning?" "**** your D plaza." "D:< "
Thats how my tounries go now. xD
Samus Zair > Anything.
Samus Gspot = Roflpwned.