i think putting 666 in your tag is dumb, even as a joke. LDO it's a sign of the anti-christ, and whether you believe in it or not thoughts have power, and the collective energy that has gone into 666 over its history is far and away negative. i think it's ignorance at its finest to believe that would not or could not affect you. there is infinitesimal reward and significant risk.
As totally off topic as this post is, I find it distressing because I am unable to do most of those. How exactly do you treat generation ADD?
that's difficult to answer
it's different for every person; i can only give you my experiences and observations/research
the first and most important step, from which all progress stems from, is self-awareness
which leads into meditation: observing yourself without judgment
there are all kinds of specific meditations. in general they target one of two aspects: concentration, or one-pointedness, and loving kindness, or peace. (if you want to know how to meditate, read
this. that post suggests 20 minutes, but i think that's quite a bit of time for a beginner; five or ten minutes is sufficient.)
as far as those bad habits are concerned...
it's more important on what you
don't do than what you do. so to that end, cut out the bad habits.
almost everyone in this society (the next person who proves me wrong on this will be the first) has a behavioral addiction to something and to some degree. it may be sweets, fatty foods, or salty foods; it may be the internet, texting, or porn; it may be gambling or video games or TV.
in low doses none of these are bad in and of themselves but they are hyperstimulating, and our evolutionary mechanisms are ill-equipped to handle them. all of these behavioral addictions affect the brain
just as drugs do.
addictions are nasty to treat because it's a chronic disease. i'm like an expert on this topic because i'm one of the 10-15% of the population that has a predisposition to addiction (aka an addictive personality) and an unceasing hunger to becoming enlightened.
this site is an amazing repository for all the latest info on how stimulation affects your brain
in any case try not to feel bad about any shortcomings. not just because of the cliche (but true) "we all have them, some of us are better off than others" aspect, but because feelings persist when we resist. that is why meditation and self-awareness is the most important, because self-improvement means coming to grips with negative feelings. (you may wonder about positive feelings, but no one
resists positive feelings, which is why they never seem to last as long as negative ones.) when you observe them without judgment they disappear. the more you resist them (by distracting yourself, denying that you feel the way you do, or trying to replace them with a positive feeling) the more they stick around.