So about a week ago, Hyper posted a video to his Youtube channel about why Blazer alone will make Roy better than Chrom, seen below.
He may or may not be right, we really won't be able to tell until the game comes out, but that's not the important part here. The important part (at least to me) is the point he makes about Blazer's use as a recovery.
In case anyone's checking this thread on the bus or smth, here's a transcript of the relevant bit:
To be clear, I do not think Hyper is entirely correct here. Blazer has a fair number of flaws that he fails to acknowledge, and he conflates airspeed with air acceleration. In reality, it can often be hard for Roy to recover without using his jump, and there are some nasty character-specific things that really hurt in certain matchups(IMO if it weren't for Witch Twist edgeguards, Roy-Bayo would have an argument for even or better). That said, it got me thinking about how we judge recovery strength, and whether or not those methods are actually accurate (it also got me writing a rant about how much first impressions affect character perception, but that's besides the point). Thoughts?