Basic analytical thinking and critical reading and writing skills would make people much more able to do things like understand political arguments, debates, and world events. Math, that's a stretch. Everyone should know some basic math but really, verbal ability is crucial.
For the record, I'm a molecular and cell biology major and I strongly believe that people (especially Americans) need a much stronger science background. The number of people who don't believe in evolution is appalling (there's that thread in the DH which I refuse to look at, because I know I will just become irritated with the anti-evolutionist evangelicals). The number of people who don't understand how basic medical science works is unacceptable.
But if people were better at verbal reasoning and comprehension, they could understand those things better as well when they heard or read about them (about science and technology I mean).
I read somewhere that the average local newspaper is written at an 8th-grade level (ie, 8th graders can comprehend it). Other newspapers are written at higher (11-12th grade levels), such as the NYT and WSJ. I believe that all newspapers should be written at at least a post-high-school level; people would understand world events that much better. People might also actually want to read about these events.
In an ideal world, everybody would have excellent reading ability and everything would be written like the Economist or something. Familiarity with world, local, and national events would be very high. People would make better decisions (politically and personally) as a result.
For the record, I'm a molecular and cell biology major and I strongly believe that people (especially Americans) need a much stronger science background. The number of people who don't believe in evolution is appalling (there's that thread in the DH which I refuse to look at, because I know I will just become irritated with the anti-evolutionist evangelicals). The number of people who don't understand how basic medical science works is unacceptable.
But if people were better at verbal reasoning and comprehension, they could understand those things better as well when they heard or read about them (about science and technology I mean).
I read somewhere that the average local newspaper is written at an 8th-grade level (ie, 8th graders can comprehend it). Other newspapers are written at higher (11-12th grade levels), such as the NYT and WSJ. I believe that all newspapers should be written at at least a post-high-school level; people would understand world events that much better. People might also actually want to read about these events.
In an ideal world, everybody would have excellent reading ability and everything would be written like the Economist or something. Familiarity with world, local, and national events would be very high. People would make better decisions (politically and personally) as a result.