King Beef
Dude **** the haters. I know we've never really hung out yet but I've seen you play in person a couple of times and see you hanging out with Jesse and some other people. You're not a bad person, and people are stupid for trying to associate one instance in a game with your personality. Or maybe the EC just whines too much. I dunno, but I'll be at your Halloween party tourney this weekend at my buddy's house. Maybe after all of the nonsense you've been going through, I could show you how good it is to hang out with some decent people again. See ya Saturday Jason, my name's Eddie btw. :3
idk its 8am and i just came home from work i was checking whos online and i saw m2k so i'm like "OH WELL LETZ SEE WUT M2K IS VIEWING"
and i see the greatest thing ever typed
it spells meatride in every way its so cute <3
Dude **** the haters. I know we've never really hung out yet but I've seen you play in person a couple of times and see you hanging out with Jesse and some other people. You're not a bad person, and people are stupid for trying to associate one instance in a game with your personality. Or maybe the EC just whines too much. I dunno, but I'll be at your Halloween party tourney this weekend at my buddy's house. Maybe after all of the nonsense you've been going through, I could show you how good it is to hang out with some decent people again. See ya Saturday Jason, my name's Eddie btw. :3
idk its 8am and i just came home from work i was checking whos online and i saw m2k so i'm like "OH WELL LETZ SEE WUT M2K IS VIEWING"
and i see the greatest thing ever typed
it spells meatride in every way its so cute <3