Has much as peolpe want Ibuki, I dont think she'll be in it, appartly the timeline in the story would make her like 10 or something lol, I think Yun or Yang will be in it, Adon was in Sagat's intro movie, and the 2 brothers were in Chun Li's.
@EmuKiller and anyone else who wants a stick, I got a PS2 stick dont feal like explaining how I got it now but anyway, it's good because you can play on both systems(360 and PS3) with the right converters they also have no lag what so ever, Top Tekken pro's use the Ipin converter(PS3) to win tourneys all the time in Korea, that's the peolpe who make it and the best tekken player in the world probaly. and the 360 one is just as good. If you listen to peolpe on SRK most of those peolpe have both sticks for both systems, or they have custom sticks to switch between the 2 which costs more money. The reason why you would get a Ps2 or custom stick is every other person or tournment have it on 360 or PS3.