Hey, i was thinking today when i was reading AiB olimar forums. someone asked about dthrow follow ups a while ago, and i went and listed all of them i know according to how they di.
this led me to think
should i make a new thread dedicated to true combos? i can include all dthrow follow ups based off of weight, all possible combos in possible situations. and all the variations people seem to contribute to the thread. This way everyone can read and learn new stuff and have a way to mix-up their olimar combos to surprise the opponent. Ever since i started using some things i saw dabuz do, and other things richbrown mentioned i have been doing so much better in certain matchups, just because they couldn't predict what i was going to do next.
if enough people think this is a good idea, i can get on it right away. you guys could follow the format i used and contribute afterwards, i don't really mean EVERY situation but the ones that occur and re-occur more often than not, such as dthrow follow ups, pseudo combos, platform combos etc.