Big Post
Alright everyone here comes a post.
I was thinking how I wanted this tournament to be the one to really kickstart our region. Syracuse is the place to make it happen. Good venues and it's right in the middle. It's centralized location is the most ideal place for consistent tournaments. I want everyone to participate in spreading the word for this, I want you to PM anyone you know in Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse, Albany, Troy, or any other city or town with smashers in NY that could have the capacity to come to this. There are other places I know names too, closer to the city that we can include in this. Phish-It and Sol and their old crew in Mahopac. There are others in new Paltz and Poughkipsie. Contact old people you can remember (Asylum, haven't seen him in a while? Silverspawn? N.O.W.? Kwan? N64? there are tons of names I personally can remember who I want to see coming to our events. There are lots of people who have names on the boards who don't post often that can come to events. lenca (steve) and gal and alexei are three awesome people I just met at jesse's place I see them post some but we need to stay in contact with everyone The new captain falcon 23 who has been on smashboards since 05 but never to a good tournament in the region? There are tons of people to find and dig up and keep in contact with.
I want everyone to do their part in connecting our community... I've tried ever since i joined to find smashers to play. I'd blows hours a day on google on every possible site that might give me leads, have had tons of screen names to pursue on aol and tons of possibles. And I've met one in my area, believe it or not, Majin, found him on Gfaqs, and he's awesome. You just really have to never give in to despair. Always look. Find friends.
If they're not big in to smash as much as other games (minh???) then get into the other game, enjoy both areas with them. This is how I learned 3rd strike, I played with a guy in Oswego who had gone to Evo's and had almost qualified for pro bracket but he missed ONE COMBO crouching medium to shoryuken... instead he did crouching medium into hadoken... not enough damage to kill, and lost =( But I learned 3s and it was awesome I love that game now...
Just extend friendship to those with interest.
This has to be the one in my opinion. To start 2010. To make our region strong in both games.
New York is a big *** state that really has to start relying on a dedicated topic for transportation issues... Carpooling is huge in NY, transportation is not ALWAYS an issue. Sometimes, granted, it is. But really people like Altarian (i haven't met you and you play brawl but man I appreciate what you're doing) and KoJ (although he's being an *** lately) are great assets in our community and if some people don't appreciate what you do, I certainly do.
if this tournament doesn't break 30 entrants for singles events then idk I'll be disappointed, but depending on who i see at this I may still have hope. Get noobs, friends, people with mild interested... get them interested, tell them don't go to win go to have fun, go to travel, go to be with friends, go to get experience.
Also, I had a dream last night that this was a massive *** tournament. There were literally two buildings with smashers in it, it was a weird *** dream because jesse teamed with a total random and I teamed with a friend from home (for some reason there were tons of ppl from my home town in it... hicks, chicks, my friends lol) and then Jeff (Tao, sama, my friend from oswego) and KoJ teamed and won lol just a weird dream
So guys come on... let's do this!
If anyone ever wants to play get at me, Cura I plan on keeping in touch with and the syracuse scene (erk beta) and I play at home with majin once in a while. Oswego I play with jeff but really it's not enough. We need consistent connections with eachother. I think syracuse and rochester have been great hubs for activity but the albany/troy area can be just as strong with old melee names like Kwan and N64 and I know Kip who competed in tournaments with PC Chris went to SUNY albany at some point. Someone try to contact downstate mahopac people and stuff...
Let's actually try to make this stuff big.
jesse- being the strongest player in the region imo... at times... i remember when i thought i was better than you for a long time. bc i beat you at that big tourny raynex showed to, but it was really lucky im glad the matches are only recorded on ****ty live stream. i also took games off neil that tournament... i blame brawl rusting on u guys. but man you're great and i wish we could play more. continue to be the best/get better.
neil- consistent *******... you're the best and how you can't be enthusiastic about the games or community beats me. seriously man. just friendly up to some people sometimes.
goggles- i am glad you stepped up and took a leadership role. but you need help man. there are lots of contacts you don't have still and I'll try to link some people up with you. i hope you find more enthusiasm in melee because even the biggest haters of brawl are giving it a chance to make our community better (myself)
cura- thanks for being in syracuse man lol it's about time a scene starts up there
jeff- we should play more chars to get better practice haha
majin- you should come to tournaments its mad fun and ppl will play SF2/4 with you for sure. minh is mad good too
foy- michael cody foy <3
hmmm and everyone else who is awesome you know who you are, I wish I could put into words shouts to everyone in the community but I can't. So this post is to all of you!
show me your moves *****es