Okay, this might be stupid, but:
What if we started a "plz buff" alliance?
It seems like there are three underwhelming characters who have been completely overlooked when it comes to buffs.

King Dedede was actually nerfed pretty hard in one of the early patches. People justify this by saying that he'd be OP on the casual level otherwise, but Captain Falcon and Little Mac, as they currently are, are still more of an issue on that front. Just some little changes could go a long way with this guy. Like Gordos taking 1 or 2% more damage to be reflected. That would be huge in several of hi worst match-ups. His down-b, as it is, is damn near useless and that could use changing as well. Etc.
I don't think Jigglypuff has even been touched by the patches. She's not botttom tier anymore, but she could use some buffs here and there. She got some underserved nerfs from Brawl, even though she was buffed overall. (Not buffed enough. ZSS, who was already hight tier, got buffed more than her.) It would be huge if they could give Jiggs some way to combo into rest at KO percents. (I think sourspot fair into rest is a thing, but it doesn't seem very reliable and I don't know how it is at higher percents.) I think she has one of the worst sets of specials in the game. Rollout is not a good recovery move. Sing is dangerous and unreliable. Rest is situational and punishable. Pound is her only move that she'll be using on a consistent basis, and even it probably isn't as good as it used to be. The shield damage is nice, but shields recover so fast in this game that it seems like unless you break a shield in one go, it's pointless. (It still applies a lot of pressure though, which is good.)
Samus, we all know about.
The mains of these characters could help each other out, and we would all benefit from having more people actively campaigning. This way, instead of three separate groups of mains supporting only their own character, we would be showing more unity and demonstrating a communal consensus.