He's right; he IS comin' with me, yeah?
Anyway, I'm bringing a 360, Wii, SFIV, Brawl, Melee
1 Elite wireless controller for the 360
1 Pro wired controller for the 360
1 GCN controller
1 extension cord
My 360's been giving me problems lately (freezing after a few hours of play, etc...) so tell me if it facks up during the tournament. Other than that, there isn't anything else. I like to play console music when I'm playing my 360, as do many others, if it's not okay for somebody to listen to music and play the game at the same time, tell me and I'll lock my playlists.
Uhh......I get a little kloss-tro-phobic when people are around me so elbow room is a must for me. I'll let everybody know before my match though
Alright! Let's have some fun =D