First of all this canon is WAY too anglo-centristic. Look at the number of books from england and the USA in the 'democratic age' [more than 200 for england and at least 150 from the USA], compare it to the number of german books from the same era [5] and tell me this canon is based on objective criteria? Like, the canon has William Hazlitt, Matthew Arnold, Walter Pater and Samuel Butler for english literature, who are - compared to the likes of Charles Dickens and Oscar Wilde - hardly worth mentioning [and probably would indeed not be mentioned in most people's canons at all] but at the same time it laves out some of the most important writers from France [Charles Bodelaire, Arthur Rimbaud], Russia [Ivan Turgenev, Gavriyl Derashvin] and ignores almost all of germany's literature from the 18th and 19th century [Heinrich Heine, Georg Büchner, Gerhard Hauptmann, Hugo von Hoffmansthal, Rainer Maria Rilke are all not even mentioned once].Well, what would you add/take out and why?
As for what's missing of individual authors I again have to complain about the misproportion between how thoroughly the canon deals with english- and american literature and how much it lacks in other countries' literatures: It mentions virtually all of Oscar Wilde's or Dicken's writings but doesn't mention Schiller's "The Hostage" or William Tell, does not mention Dostoyevskij's two most important books [Demons and Crime & Punishment] and generally seems to be pretty careless about russian literature [No mention of Pushkin's Ruslan & Ljudmilla or Evgenij Onegin, no mention of Gogol's The Overcoat, no mention of Turgenev at all].
This is what sticks out to me - grown up on german & english literature as well as a student of russian language and literature. I'm sure somebody from Spain / France ... or somebody that studies these languages would also like to mention a couple of names that were left out within this abundance of english writers. If this canon isn't the work of an englishman or american I'm going to eat my hat.
Edit: Can't believe they censor the name of Charles Dickens -.-