opinions on ORIGINAL CHARACTER DO NOT STEAL or annoyingly bad watermarks?
In some cases the annoyingly large watermark has to be put on. Because this is the Internet people are like... "If its on Google's imagesearch I can use it!" Which is so so so wrong and it pisses me off. i know its stupid and annoying, but I have to side with the artists who use annoyingly large watermarks.
I personally prefer putting my signature (a little infinity symbol with the year I did it) in a place that is hard to edit out, but yet still doesn't disrupt the piece.
I consider people who do not credit the original artist (unless if it is a company or something) who drew something or had something specifically drawn for them art thieves and it irks me so much when I browse AiB/SWF.
opinions on 5th gen metagame?
Its getting to the point where its starting to look very very unappealing. Choice Scarf Chandelure is going to come in and revenge kill everything. Variety is what makes a metagame interesting. I am really happy that Excadrill is a really good spinner and there are new ways with dealing with Stealth Rock, so my feelings are rather mixed.
specifically, speed boost blaziken and drizzle abuse?
Since about 2/3 into 4th Gen Smogon has been... very very misguided. Speed Boost Blaziken is not Uber material. As soon as you see it send in something that's faster via Scarf, Gyarados, Salamence, Cresselia, or something that gets 2x speed in weather to not let it set up. Or you can predict the Hi Jump Kick, since it is VERY telegraphed and lol Protect.
Drizzle is broken if you do not build a team that can handle it. Any DW OU team NEEDS a method to deal with any sort of weather. If you go hyper offense you will lose against weather teams.
People's inability to adapt is very very stupid.