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☆The Friendly Neighborhood Tournament☆

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Smash Ace
Aug 7, 2007
Eh, I guess there was a bit of lag there... Sorry about that, Beat.
It's fine, I mean you seem good, but I can't play in conditions like those. The screen was like a heartbeat monitor. Every third second there was a pause.


Smash Ace
Jun 2, 2008
Houston, Texas
It's fine, I mean you seem good, but I can't play in conditions like those. The screen was like a heartbeat monitor. Every third second there was a pause.
Yeah, your Ike was really good. I know we could do better if there was a minimum to the lag; too bad it was as bad it was.


Smash Ace
May 22, 2008
Upstate, NY
You're joking right? Me and him won basically all the time when I was Ice Climbers and he was Pit. You spamme you PK Thunder like it was your life.
Not quite. Last night, your partner ( you weren't nearly as bad) almost only spammed with lasers or pit's arrows and c-stick. Are you seriously going to try to say he did much else at all? I do use PK thunder a lot, but not because I'm a ***** ***** who wants to camp away from everyone, do nothing else but c-stick four times in two seconds even after my opponent has rolled away. I at least form aerial combos with it and do a LOT else ( if you noticed, I used my PK fire more than PK thunder and I used my fair more than anything else. Should I not do that either? Should I just do as every other player on the planet does and have the same grab and/ or smash combo because it's a more acceptable type of excessive move use when everyone else does it?

Besides, how different is my PKT2 from any other a-aerial? It's function is not; it's just far more powerful. If you're going to ask me to stop " spamming" it, I'd be pretty darn curious as to why you want me to perform that move less and not any other aerial--ones that are far weaker. Funny. Very ironic.

And if you're going to say " hey, you're *****ing about people spamming the c-stick, so you're no different", you'll be wrong. I'm not complaining, by the way. It's perfectly fine that people rely on it as much as your partner does; it means I'm going to have extra opportunities to use my longer reaching attacks. I only mentioned it because when I wasn't suiciding, the team I was on was almost always winning. It's a less explicit form of advice, I suppose. If you want to take it personally, by all means allow yourself to do so.

And the last match between us, you lost, my friend.
I'm fully aware. In fact, I believe I said that the clear exception to me taking you guys out was my match with you at the end. What more do you want from me?

Besides, an impatient Shiek is a mediocre one. I'm not particularly great with Shiek--I'll be the first one to tell you--but Shiek isn't one of my best characters in most circumstances anyways. If you want my optimum competition, I'll try with Ness, Diddy, Peach, ROB, and Kirby.


Smash Ace
May 22, 2008
Upstate, NY
Devil, I'll play. And when we do, tell Sudsy that I'm not a spammer. He just can't beat my Ice Climbers alone.
I'll apologize for calling you, in particular, a spammer, if I did specify you. I don't have much memory of you so explicitly c-stick spamming as your partner was ( I was at a loss for words when his Fox c-stick f-smashed his way across half of FD when neither of us were even close to being in range).

In fact, I don't have any memories of you pulling off any bs at all. Just a incorrect intuition-based false accusation.

I'm sorry.

MAYBE my SHIEK can't beat your Climbers alone. Yes. But I can play on a fairly high level with almost any character, so I have a few other options, I assure you.

Edit: has Heartz heard the results of Stim and my set results?


Smash Ace
Aug 7, 2007
Where'd you run off to, PB?

Edit: I'm restarting my CPU. I'm suggesting you do, too, because we have a green connection but this lag makes no sense.
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