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  • When I was a girl at my daddy's side, pappa the royal mortician, revealed to me in secret signs the mark of the magician. And daddy no dummy, did outrageous things with a mummy. And often the stiffs that he would drive would look better dead than they did alive. I studied well I learnt the trade, I thought my looks would never fade. If I could find that recipe to give eternal youth to me. It was always my ambition to use papa's tuition and gain some small remission from the vagaries of time. Every little ray of sunshine robbed me of my youth. Who to blame? Who the one? Who to curse? You know the only one to blame would by my enemy the sun!
    I imagine most of us have seen the “representation was better when they weren’t trying” claims you get. Most recent one I saw was about Disney and used Princess and the Frog as an example. Fun fact they were actively trying with that film
    As it is Father's Day let's give a shout out to the dads in smash: Bowser, Young Link, Olimar, Chrom, Robin, Math, Corrin, Fox, Shulk, Ken and potentially all the pokemon except Mewtwo and Pichu.
    I think I dreamt I was a blue version of the Hulk last night. whatever I'm taking before bed I need to stop
    i think something is in smashboards users' internet connections these dreams are getting out of hand
    I had a dream last night that Galactus arrived to our planet, and he did so while Bataille Decisive from Evangelion was playing in the background.

    To stop him Reed Richards assembled Goku, Saitama, Sailor Moon, Cure Black & White, Spider-Man, Deadpool, Sonic, Ryuko from Kill La Kill and I together. At one point of the battle they all became LEGO minifigures and It was so cool and epic.
    Then the doctor from Kamen Rider Ex-Aid and Black Adam joined in and at that point I woke up from the dream.
    When I woke up I started writing the origin story
    Alright Spyro I'm gonna give you another chance. But so help me if we glitch through the floor into a boss fight we can't beat again, we're through.
    context: that happened to me in Age of the Dragonfly. i was enjoying it up til then too
    Hope you are referring to that game in particular & not the whole series. That game in particular is known for issues & is probably one of the weaker representatives of the series. Would hate to for you miss out on other entries especially if you were liking it before that.
    i meant i was enjoying that specific game. I have encountered other games in the series as well. such as the one where you're rescuing the baby dragons and the GBA one where a bunch of fairies are trapped in ice. in all honesty it wasn't that incident that put me off the games i just sort of lost interest
    when people use their fans theories to back up there arguments that's when you know they're talking out of their backsides
    I don't even get why people do that.

    It's like... You have Google available with your internet connection. You can just look up with ease on Wikipedia or any professional website whether something is true or not. Why are you doing these mental gymnastics and applying these imaginary scenarios to justify something?
    Now that I’ve mostly gotten over the over representation of FE characters in smash it is interesting to see how I feel about them now. Like say I’m playing a game against random CPUs and byleth comes up and I find myself thinking “ah you should have been so cool” Robin pops up and I think “it’s like I’m fighting a plank of wood”
    Been on a slight X-Men kick since 97, might have to watch it again, part of me wants to try out some x-men comics i haven't read before. I have read quite a few good ones, Second Coming, Messiah Complex, Avengers vs X-Men and some of the classics Dark Phoenix, Days of Future Past, Proetus. but I kinda stopped reading a while ago and the last X-Men story i tried, Inhumans vs X-men, i felt was really bad.
    I do occasionally wonder what British shows apart from dr who get broadcast abroad. Well I suppose all the ones that have American versions must have at some point.
    Got another opinion I wanted to ask of you relating to Zelda, but also involves a couple other game and even anime franchises. Fair warning, it will take a bit of explanation to get to the main question.

    As part of my fandom for my favorite anime, Fairy Tail, I often think up ideas of crossovers that envision Fairy Tail characters as characters within other franchises I like. One of my favorites being Legend of Zelda (mostly Breath of the Wild focused) but the scenario I like to envision and write down details of the most also involves a couple aspects being pulled from a wider array of franchises like Xenoblade, RWBY, and Dragalia Lost.

    One of the ideas I think about the most for these fun little fanon write-ups is there being 5 different energies that characters within this little private fanfiction of mine can utilize for their abilities. But lately I've been facing a bit of an internal struggle on if this 5 energies idea really works. For reasons such as it might make things feel a little too cluttered or that at the end of the day they might all be fundamentally too similar to each other for the idea of keeping them separate to really be sensible. And if you wouldn't mind, I wanted to ask your opinion on whether or not this 5 energies concept really works.

    I think I would need to explain the details behind what I'm thinking for these 5 different energies, but that would make this comment a little too long for a topic that I don't even know you'd want to discuss yet. So before I say those details, I'll first ask if this is something you have an interest in sharing your opinion on or if it's a topic you don't feel like contributing to.
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    It’s more so 5 energies that can be used for a variety of abilities, including multiple elements.

    These are the details:

    Energy from the Body:

    As the name suggests, this type of energy comes from the physical body. I refer to it by the name of Chi because that’s what many martial arts based series use for it’s fancy ability energy is Chi. Aka Ki. It’s an energy that increases as a user's physical attributes get stronger.

    Energy from the Mind:

    Since it comes from the mind, it’s a Psychic Energy that is used for Psychic abilities, and is increased through mental training as opposed to physical training. The best name I can think of for this energy is Psi, though I’m not 100% sold on that name.

    Energy from the Soul:

    As you probably figured, this energy comes not from the body or the mind, but from the soul. I’m also not sure about the name for this one. I usually default to the name of Aura, inspired by RWBY, but I don’t know if that’s the best option.


    Magic Energy. And one of only two energies that can be used for magic. The previous 3 can be used for effects that seem similar to magic, but abilities fueled by those energies don’t have magical properties. Similar to how it works in Dragalia Lost, Mana is found in nature and all sorts of living things. Including humans, or other such species that are close enough like the Zora. People can use their own inner Mana to cast magic and can train to increase their reserves of Mana to allow for more advanced spells.


    Just like how it works lore wise in the Legend of Zelda, Force is a life energy that the Golden Goddesses bestowed upon the world when they created it. And it can be used for good or evil depending on who wields it. It is the energy of the gods, which leads to it being named Ether in some cultures, and it’s the only energy aside from Mana that can cast magic. Though Force based abilities don’t always have to have magical properties. However, unlike the prior 4 energies, everyone only has a specific amount of Force and it is not possible to increase this amount through training. One can only gain more Force through being empowered with more of it by outside sources. Such as a blessing from the gods or a Great Fairy.
    You have put plenty of thought into this. The five energies seem well planned. Don’t think you have anything to worry about
    Glad to hear it. Thanks for the input.
    If I’m understanding right, you’re quite the Zelda fan. Which is why I wanted to ask you your opinion on a moment from Skyward Sword.

    It’s the part of the cutscene at the end of the Earth Temple where Impa berates Link for taking too long to reach where Zelda was captured.

    When I first played the game I felt pretty infuriated by this moment, but in the modern day I feel like there are parts of the context I haven’t fully grasped yet that make this moment understandable.

    I was wondering where you stand on this.
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    I get where you're coming from it bugged me quite a bit first time i saw it. seems a little unfair as some of the circumstances were out of link's control. but it does work for what they were going with in terms of story i think. plus it makes sense that impa was upset about zelda being captured and at this early stage of the game we don't know why that's a bigger problem than we think which impa does know. i suppose part of why it feels off is that they mean as a kind of character arch for link which is a tricky thing to do with a silent protagonist. at least he gets to prove himself to her after the next dungeon.

    if that wasn't quite helpful feel free to ask more. or just ask more anyway I like talking about loz
    Nah I’d say that’s helpful. It’s a good way of putting it.
    anyone else feel bad for all the minor mutant characters who never make the x-men films, tv shows and games?
    With the TTYD remake just around the corner I'd like to give the newcomers some advice if I may. In the hub town you'll find a place called the Trouble Centre. It's basically the game's source of side quests so you might check it out anyway. The quests are quite varied with some prizes may seem a little simple, but it is worth doing as many of them as you can.
    Of all the discourse Wish has garnered I gotta say the most annoying is the one where they say the main character is evil and the bad guy is good. The logic behind it is always so bad. I mean hate the movie if you must be trying say things are the wrong way round is just dumb
    well in maginfico's case's there was a bit more of a decent into madness going on. like gaston from beauty and the beast
    At least with Gaston they make it clear that he's selfish and entitled to begin with, so the progression to being more of a "beast" than Adam/Beast himself feels natural. Magnifico's Freudian Excuse just feels not integrated into his character.
    Freudian excuse?
    One thing I'd like to note about X-Men 97 ahead of the series final on wed is that it has more, what's the right phrase, it has more bite that the original series. Or it doesn't pull any punches. You look at the original series and there versions of Dark Phoenix and Proteus and they've been toned downed from the comics. But in 97 with their versions of the genosha massacre and magneto ripping the metal from wolverine's bones they did not hold back.
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