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  • Yes, I know. xD I still play Brawl, and I'm looking forward to the new games, but it's just not my main interest anymore.
    I get ya. Smash isn't really much of a priority anymore for me either. I just missed seein' you around. =P
    Oh, I remember you being a good smash player for brawl. Why don't you get into tourneys and stuff?
    Don't have the dough to get that far out. Still need to find a job.
    Cool hows it going. Did you come back for ssb4 or just searching the threads?
    Don't know if I'll be getting into SSB4. I came back apparently for Smash 64, but I don't know how much longer I'll be staying around.
    Hey Zatch. I just wanted to stop by and say thanks. If if it weren't for you and your critique the times you brawl me, I'm not sure if I would have progressed the way I have now. I still have a long way to go but I credit your support.

    PS: I picked up Sonic for fun :3. Heck of a lot of fun using him. I also like him for doubles xD
    D'aw. <333 It's cool, you've definitely come a long way since I first played you. I'm actually inclined to believe you may have even surpassed me as a player, but if you haven't, you're certainly going to soon at your current rate. Hopefully we can play again sometime. Nevertheless, keep doing what you do, 'cause it's working. Keep playing, keep improving, keep calm and CourageHound it.
    <33 yay~
    Btw, sorry for posting this in multiple VM's, SWF now has a gay rule of no more than 420 characters in your VMs.
    did u just call me zatchy.

    And it's alright, I understand. School is still whooping me too. Hope you pull through, though. =D
    But don't worry, I'll join when classes are done and pleb up the place.
    During the month of March, I lost a lot of steam in school, and my grades are kinda dwindling right now. My professors are all trying to cram in a chapter or two more before finals at the end of the month, so I'm trying to scramble and get some A's in before the finals hit, so for the rest of April, I'm trying to make uni the most important thing.
    Looks fun, would love to be a part of the forum, but honestly, I think I should stay away from it until I'm done with classes for freshman year.

    Hey, just wanted to let you know, I totally saw your reply, but I kept forgetting to respond. Idk, college got in the way a lot, then I just forgot it was there seeing as I hardly check my profile anymore (i blame the new layout).
    I do haz ze Skype.

    I'm...uh.. not sure which username you're suppose to give out though.
    Like, theres the user, then theres the name that pops up and I'm confused because I'm not sure which you you're supposed to give people so they can-- *gasp*

    It's WolfieCrash

    or Xiroey

    I dunno :l It's one of those haha
    Just thought I should mention it here to... But I'm really sorry Zatch, if I offended you. That was bad judgement, and that wasn't my intention.
    Noooo Xi-Xi. D: I must admit that I was a little under the influence at the time I replied to your posts (this is my last time mentioning it, I swear), so my indignation went an extra mile and brought me to overreact. I feel so bad right now. You're a good person, just adhering to your obligations, and I just blew up for no reason. It's my fault, and I feel very sorry, mate. Gah... =c
    It's all right dude, mistakes were made on both sides. The important thing is, everything is handled, and by gosh I can't resist a your hugs *hugs you* <3
    Yush. c= *Hugs you tighter*
    ...Sorry Zatch, I couldn't get my hands on any juice...

    But, I did make you some homemade apple Cider <3


    K Bye <3
    *Sips apple cider and leans on you*

    Thanks Xi-Xi. c=
    Also move to colorado maaaan.
    You can play baked and it's totally legal. <3

    Me n my sis are even opening up a shop for that.
    Oh god the money were gonna make!!!!
    I've thought about it, but my mom gave me this cool looking card for a recording studio based university in Florida, and I'm looking at that for the moment.

    Sun Bun makin' that money like M2K.
    Ha, i'm bad at negotiating prices dude.

    Mm, name a price you can afford and i'll probably be cool with it.
    Not like these things are really going for much anyways now that the wiiU's out. =p
    I'll get back to you when I can, it's not me that's actually buying the Wii, so I'll have to persuade mi madre.
    No. I'm already iffy on a ride already and if I get one, we already have people in my car because it's my friend driving.
    Sorry to hear that :/

    My year's great so far. I made preparations for Bronycon 2013; reserved a hotel room, bought a ticket, got the ppl who I'm carpooling with, OH MY GOSH this is gonna be amazing (not trying to rub it in, just hyped)

    Also, if you need to talk to somebody about anything or just vent, I'm here for ya.
    For me "Let us Introduce Ourselves" is my favorite while the "Dance like you know you can" song would be my second favorite.
    IMO should've put "dance like you know you can" or something like that in your location or if there's any other spot to put text next to your avi.
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