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  • Hey, might wanna consider getting a 4 GB if you wanna use all the hacks. I've pretty much ran out of space customizing on a 2 GB SD card, so I'm using Riivolution to compensate space. If you want to stick to 2 GB, then that's fine, but you'll be missing some newer stuff that's been done.
    I feel like flea spaces alot better than me.
    But my camp game is faster.
    *is still watching first game*
    Yeah, but I'm still working on it. It'll be a little bit before I can upload it again. Also, I'll be coming back in town for some work June 10-12th. So, I can give it to you then to let you transfer the files of what I currently have.

    "Please, aside from my username, address me as Zatch."

    LP, you crack me up sometimes
    Stage loader allows the game to load more than one texture per stage. Only usable on Gecko OS. If you feel like learning it, then go for it, but if you're keeping stage textures to a minimum, then I'd leave it out.
    Lol, I love that horse xD And it's Disney, of course there's singing. The songs were pretty awesome.
    I'll send you a pm about the link. I'm currently not at home, so I can't find the thread right now. I might make another slight update whenever the next tierlist comes out.
    Trust me... it be full of awkward silence moments... I'm more of an up front type of guy. I usually don't call unless I need to get a message to someone. :ohwell:
    wait what?
    it's because of what I said below isn't it?
    I'm sorry I really am :( are you sure you don't wanna play?
    lol really? I guess I'm just not used to lag anymore.
    every time I try to do the SH double laser online I either hit the buttons too soon or to late and the second laser is shot from the ground and then I have to go through lag of putting the gun away.
    that and a bunch of other BS stuff happens as well, I'm not gonna preach at ya though.

    seeya at 8 hopefully.
    I'm a fox player of course I'm going to complain about any kind of lag, besides taking the win for free would be pretty weenie of me.

    lol I have another tourney match I may or may not be able to do today.
    excuse is I'm busy studying and stuff for SOL's, I got one on friday and then thursday after that.

    I'll try to be on around 8:00 pm east time today if I can. If for some reason we can't play before the deadline I think I might give you the win, almost positive I would lose anyway.
    yup lol

    Im trying to use D3 now as my secondary lol He is my least used char in brawl! I prob used him 5 times my whole brawl life lol
    me and you have been doomed to fight in a game of endless lag (links tourney)
    when can you play?
    Alright lol You played real good on saturday like I started to get mad on your Ike xD Jab is GAYY!!!!! Thats why I didnt like fighter you half the time your ike 2 gud xD Your luckay I couldnt use my controller the whole time! lol I owned you guys with shiek/Zelda though :D
    Just to be wary of, I am very busy the next couple of days I have AP tests and Preformances at a theatre. It'll be a lil complex. =x
    Are you Zatch.? We have a match for that OCD tourny. ^^ Let me know when you would like to complete it.
    lol they told me not to bring the wii since you had enough...

    DO you really need 1 more?
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