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  • And bring your 3DS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need to streetpass with you today because I haven't streetpassed with anyone today!!!!!!!!!!
    Things to add / look into for gameplay

    Stronger jab / dash attack game
    Mid-height floats
    LIFT / Ledge Hop
    More fluid playstyle, react off of opponent's decisions
    Z-Dropping (especially offstage)
    Insta-pull turnip off ledge adfiosia
    Become stronger in a neutral situation
    Less Peach Bombing (especially offstage)
    More Toad when picking up on habits
    More Fair when spacing at lower percentages


    Hey Nicole, I have been watching your Peach, and you have been improving a lot! If I can make a recommendation, you should try adding in Instant Floats from the ledge into your game like Excel_Zero does around 1:40--

    He also does a dair from the ledge in the beginning around 0:09 if you wanted to add that mix-up in.

    This is the technique video on explaining it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQyg17xInlE

    You can mix the ledge get-up with instant rolls, nairs for edgeguarding/punishing, jabs, shield, float fairs/bairs, anything really.

    The only thing about it is that you need a float before you use it, and you cannot use it if you already floated without touching the ground again.

    I've seen a lot of your videos, but the only way I've seen you get up was jump dair, fair, or an airdodge. I hope this helps you add more mix-up to your game for Apex! gl
    Check out:
    Something Else by Cannonball Adderley with Miles Davis as a sideman. It's very similar to kind of blue.

    Blue Train by John Coltrane
    Coltrane's Sound by John Coltrane
    My Favorite Things by John Coltrane
    John Coltrane and Johnny Hartman
    Impressions by John Coltrane

    Man Child by Herbie Hancock
    Thrust by Herbie Hancock

    If you like Kenny Garrett check out his albums Happy People and Songbook. The song from that video is the first track on Happy People. It's a fantastic album. Very unique. Songbook is another great album that I think won a Grammy. He also did a pretty highly regarded album called Triology, which is just him, a bassist, and drummer doing a mix of standards as well as some orignal tunes.

    Hope that helps.
    Expansionism and James K. Polk
    Analyze the geographical and political effects of James K. Polk’s policy of expansion. How did Manifest Destiny play a part? What major problems did Polk encounter as president? Discuss the Oregon territorial dispute. Discuss the causes and outcome of the Mexican American War. How did the presidency of James K. Polk change the nation? Do you think that James K. Polk was a good president? Explain your answer.
    Slavery and the Compromise of 1850
    Explain how economic and social forces of slavery impacted the South. How did the expansion to the West play on southern attitudes? How did the acquisition of new land from Mexico stir up the controversy? How did the Compromise of 1850 help or hurt the slavery question? What impact did the new Fugitive Slave Law have? How did the idea of states’ rights change? How did the Compromise of 1850 change the course of the nation toward disunion? Explain your answer.
    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    Discuss the origins of the Kansas-Nebraska Act. What effect did the Kansas-Nebraska Act have on the issue of slavery? What forces pro- and anti-slavery contributed to the problems in Kansas application for statehood? How was Kansas a precursor to the Civil War? How did the Kansas-Nebraska Act lead to the birth of the Republican Party? How did the Kansas-Nebraska contribute to the growing division between North and South? Explain your answer.
    Civil War
    Analyze the strengths of the North and the South at the beginning of the Civil War. Discuss the frustrations and opportunities that President Lincoln experienced with the Battles of Antietam and Gettysburg. Why did President Lincoln issue the Emancipation Proclamation, and what did it mean? Why was the Union victory at Gettysburg so significant? Why was taking Vicksburg so important? Discuss the impact of the fall of Atlanta and Lincoln's reelection. How did the Civil War change the nation? Was the Civil War avoidable? Explain your answer.
    i'm being serious now, i'm really upset. we talked to the specialists at the apple store and they could us they haven't been able to figure out my problem (they've seen it on other phones). they told us to call this specialty apple tech support on the phone and ask them to reset network settings and etc. we worked with the tech support and they did everything and nothing worked. then we go back to the apple store and they're like, "you can buy a new phone and see if that works with your sim card, but i'm not sure!"

    Shall I ummm you know, start yelling at people on your behalf from within?
    lol I can't stick to anything on SWF. I like using them to reflect what I'm thinking about.

    Never changing my Aib one tho

    Thanks for the wake up call. Things are a hell of a lot easier now. See you at HOBO34.
    If you want some protips, feel free to ask.

    I'd start out by saying that anything less than a full sentence in any serious topic is a no no :p
    I don't think someone will bother to hand out infractions for those two posts, but they're the type that doesn't help :)
    its ******** that you didnt get into the bbr this time, idk what their problem is honestly, i cause far more drama than you haha. i always say you should get in but i missed the voting cause of real life stuff. dont get frustrated, apply next time, there's NO way you shouldnt be back there.
    Thanks for the kind words. It really means a lot coming from a player of your caliber :)
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