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  • Pff, I'll look out for you then and actually show up as online when I'm online. :p I'll be away a lot today and tomorrow though.
    My MSN's default is set to appear offline. I'm actually on now, but not for much longer. You should make it a habit to use MSN. ;)
    Yeah I think the general thread takes care of that. I think we should make that clear in the OP so people know.
    Well, her boobs ARE outrageous.
    Which is fine. ^^,
    Anyways, I don't need an example.
    More of a surprise adds to the suspense.
    Yo Yink wassapening >.0
    But yeah hopefully you can come down this Saturday so we can do some teams cause we didn't do enough at Sherman's >.<
    "I can be whatever I want"... how naive. :3

    The Sonic vid was uncalled for. That hedgehog rubs me the wrong way.

    Added you on MSN, I'm actually on now.
    I have AIM, but I rarely use it because... I'm European. We use the superior messaging system. ;)

    I watched TMNT a lot as a kid, so don't be a smartass. :mad:
    That's pretty cool, I never finished those actually. They're not really MGS and kinda annoying. I've never been that great at the stealth element of the games anyway, I often just muscle my way through. The story is where it's at.

    As you spend more time on here, you'll become somewhat jaded. I'm content with what I do on here as well though, but it's not strictly modding. Plus I finally got my red postbit!

    Haha, nice eh? Let's just say I'm not all bad.;) I wouldn't chat if I didn't enjoy it. :) Do you have MSN?

    Gonna have some pizza and watch Naruto now, today's guilty pleasure.
    The OLD ones? You mean the MSX games rather than MGS1 and 2? :p I'm almost done with the new one (Peace Walker) myself, played 1-4 and Portable Ops of course. I even played both the Twin Snakes and the original MGS1.

    Not too interested in going back to a NES game (this is where I'd make a pun on NES/Ness, but I'll spare you), so it's either part 2 or 3 for me then. Or both.

    With Dedede I didn't mean the chaingrabs, but what he can do to Bowser, Mario, Luigi, Samus and Donkey Kong. ;) Character-specific infinites (well, close enough). Good you like modding your board, but let's see if you still like it one year from now, if you last that long. :p
    Sorry about that. :(

    I have an idea, instead of writing them horizontally, write them vertically with the corresponding characters underneath? If you haven't already.

    Videos would be nice.

    You should also write a Blog again. I love your Blogs. :yoshi: :yoshi:
    You like MGS? =o Have you played all the games, or...?

    I have a pretty large backlog, but I *guess* I could put Earthbound back on it for when I want something lighthearted. What about other entries in the series? To my knowledge most (if not all) of them never got an English release, though there might be fanmade patches.

    Yeah, it's Bart. I suppose the Ness mains kind of stick together. :3 I always seem to pick characters whose mains are complete individualists, heh. There's something to be said for not banning those grab releases (and Dedede's infinites) as it is a somewhat arbitrary influence on the metagame. At the same time stuff like that is so mindnumbingly gay and detrimental to characters it's at least worth considering IMO. Europe has always made its own rulesets anyway, so whatever.
    I'll let you in on a secret... Earthbound is one of few notable JRPGs I've never finished. I think I quit after like 15 minutes. =o Maybe I should try it again, it's been at least 7 years since then.

    We have a pretty good Ness main in the Netherlands, but it does help that no one ever counterpicks Marth against him (the regrabbing shenanigans are even banned sometimes). But yeah, I've believed he's fairly underrated for a while now.

    I'm one of the biggest MGS fanboys out there, haha. I probably wouldn't even play Brawl that much if Snake wasn't in it. :p

    That can be my new avatar after I get tired of this one. ^_^

    So, I'm guessing you like Ness. The little guy is actually halfway decent again if he doesn't get regrabbed to death by Marth and pals. ;)
    There are no freestyle boards in Snowboard Kids 2 looooooool. You probably mean trick boards. Why trick boards only tho o_0
    msn=/= aim

    or maybe i can still add you...?

    let me try

    * edit


    so... how is the signature coming along?
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