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  • I'm sorry about ditching the sig shop a while back. School had to take precedence at that time and, considering that I was in APs and had exams to prep for, I couldn't let anything get in the way. I hope you can understand.
    To answer an earlier question also, yo-yo's are really effective against metaknight's.
    Especially up smash. When they're dair camping.
    This is quite possible the best thing to ever happen ever

    making a whole bunch when i get home from work

    Popping in to see how the signature is doing. Percentage rate it's completed?

    I can wait though.
    I hope I'm not creeping you out, haha.

    I can show you my Facebook, just to prove I'm legit!

    Of course you get that a lot. Have you looked at yourself in the mirror lately?

    I wish all girls were as intelligent and modest as yourself. :|
    Thanks. <3

    Did I ever tell you that you're gorgeous?

    Probably have. I love Arabic women. :D

    Just put the name "Toronto Brawl+ Crew" [top or w/e] as the name, and maybe in the corner put "repping the GTA!"

    Poor Teran, you robbed him of owning my wall with dance gifs. :D

    Yea, it was a cool game, one of my N64 favs. :3
    I went over the fan site for Mother 3 right now and it brought back memories, so I think I might try to work my way through the games this summer. You know, give it another go. Wish me luck on Mother 1!
    In early '09, I heard about Mother 3, and decided to look it up. I found an amazing English patch of the game created by Mato, and downloaded it right away. I loved it. I absolutely loved it. The colors, the setting, the storyline, the people, the atmosphere, everything. Well, almost everything. I was still dissapointed with the battle scenes. It was just too boring, trippy, and hypnotic for my liking. However, I still enjoyed the game at a very deep level. Sadly, though, the curse of Earthbound came back, and I had to get my computer wiped again. I had made it all the way to the Castle, I believe. I can't quite recall well, but I made it to I think chapter 9, or something after Claus had, er, left the game, and Lucas was getting his first Psi power from the weird, homosexual-looking faerie things. Either way, it was amazing.
    Aw. Sorry for the late response.

    Anyway, I actually just played Earthbound on my computer in '08. It was amazing. The style of the pixelart was what I liked best. Sadly, my computer started to slow down horrifically, to that point that I sent it to get repaired. They deleted all of my ROMs and gamesaves.

    Shortly afterward, I decided to start at the beginning, and downloaded Mother 1. I started playing it, but I didn't really like it as much, and what really made me stop playing was the fact that I died every eight minutes due to the absurd, brokenly high enemy encounter rate. I pretty much quit because I couldn't make it to the area after my house.
    5ive - Pika
    Eugene - Falcon
    Distructo - Toon Link
    Marik - Yoshi
    TinMan - ROB
    Fashoomp - Lucas
    Fonez - Peach
    JustNoOne - Ivysaur
    Hollowcore - Ike
    Minus - Sheik
    F1ZZ- Lucario.

    That's all the people with their respective main. Let me know when this can be done.
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