In early '09, I heard about Mother 3, and decided to look it up. I found an amazing English patch of the game created by Mato, and downloaded it right away. I loved it. I absolutely loved it. The colors, the setting, the storyline, the people, the atmosphere, everything. Well, almost everything. I was still dissapointed with the battle scenes. It was just too boring, trippy, and hypnotic for my liking. However, I still enjoyed the game at a very deep level. Sadly, though, the curse of Earthbound came back, and I had to get my computer wiped again. I had made it all the way to the Castle, I believe. I can't quite recall well, but I made it to I think chapter 9, or something after Claus had, er, left the game, and Lucas was getting his first Psi power from the weird, homosexual-looking faerie things. Either way, it was amazing.