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  • tsk tsk tsk

    come to me when you wish to learn how to be a jerk elitist
    thats what you SHOULD have said to the other guy

    you have to learn elitism, i was testing you and your answer was soo predictable
    Hey, zen1. =)

    I wanted to approach you with an offer. I'm going to be upgrading my old site to a vBulletin server sometime in the near future and the concentration of the site is going to be charity/social so I wanted to know if you had any desires of being a staff member when the upgrades are complete.

    Because one of its major concentrations is merely general discussion (like the Pool Room) and since you're such a sociable person, I figured you'd be ideal for the role. There are very few potential mods I've thought up of and although I don't fully know you, I think you have some pretty great potential.

    Would you be up for it or is it too much of an inconvenience? I'll understand if you decline the offer for whatever reason you may have.
    He requested 5 permanent points, who knows why. Looks like he got another point.
    But anyway, don't look at my posts. >=(

    I'm a very infamous member. Out with the old and in with the new...
    Are you sure he went to the same tourney?

    Do you know who he mains?

    Wait, now that you mention it, there was someone from Colorado. >_>
    I lost to a Meta Face >___<

    I think I got like 9th or 13th. I don't recall the name. :[
    It just doesn't sit well with me, philosophically. The name of the tournament is "Go For Broke~ It all depends on your skill!" for goodness' sake. I actually CAN blame him because he's the one who did it.

    It makes it 10X worse that 8bitman is now acting like that sort of play is perfectly admirable. He's mocking me, and he hasn't apologized. Sure it's partly my fault, but technically it's not even legal, and it was at the very least extremely abusive.

    It seems like a debasement of what this game and your tournament are supposed to be about, and I cannot respect that. And does the match host not also have an obligation to set up the match properly?
    Fact is, he probably would have lost if he had set the timer like he was supposed to. But he didn't, and just because I didn't notice during the first few seconds of the match, he gets away with it.

    What makes you think that's what my location is referring to?
    They most likely will. They put the fillers, right?

    They wouldn't make someone watch all those without putting Shippuden after... would they? ;_;
    I kept switching at first, but then I just settled for never choosing.

    The fighting scenes always looked like, movie-quality. I'm glad they showed it on Adult Swim, too.
    Yeah, I think it was the only anime I've every seen where I couldn't distinguish which character I liked the most.
    Both the guys were so cool. >__<
    Hi. ^_^

    Is that girl in your avatar the one from uhh.... whats it called...
    .... >_<
    The samurai one... samurai champloo! Yeah. I loved that.
    (゚、 。 7
     l、 ~ヽ
     じしf_, )ノ

    Cant you tell? It is rainbow kitteh here to save the day!
    ◇◇◇◇Pain isn't of to much importance to me, that was real chessy how he snuck up on gara(forgot how to spell his name)n beat em. he probably would have won that had he not had to protect the sand village.
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