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  • <3 United State of Pop

    Was a little disappointed with 2010 compared to 2009, though 2009 was so good that it's not surprising 2010 had a hard time following it.
    Hey, well, I...

    ...don't have a comeback for that lol. You win.
    For now. =P
    Ah, all right. Well, it's at least fun for friendly duels, lol.

    And it's shiny. :awesome:
    This is very true. :3

    But I better get some sleep. Got class in the morning. Have a good night!
    Well, at least he has a popular comic and people actually like the characters that much, even pairing them up. I could understand him getting mad if fans took it too far, though, since the comic is pretty innocent/friendly to everyone.
    Well, yes, there are better monsters that only require one sacrifice, but that doesn't necessarily mean Luster Dragon #2 sucks. =P

    Not that I really know that much about how good/bad YGO cards are lol, I only ever played the game with friends and watched the TV show.
    Hey, it was only one sacrifice and it had 2400 attack points, I think that's pretty good. =P Granted its defense sucks, but if you can attack hard and fast you don't need defense.
    Aw...that's cute. And I know there doesn't need to be any, but it wouldn't hurt since there's a few other relationships being flung around.

    It's too bad the author is a homophobe...guess he'd hate me. :/
    Lol, I like songs for double-digit weeks, I just don't listen to them enough for them to chart for very many weeks in a row. =P
    There needs to be an arc with him and his partner Kevin falling in love. :3

    Or Fox. They'd be a cute couple, too. Housepets is lacking in gay relationships. :<
    I did but like you're always in the disco room and like you're a developer and like an admin and like yeah
    so like I paid for my premium membership sunday and my one I paid for 3 months ago ran out but the new one isn't there.
    ;-; why?
    Nah, I just pointed out that he's probably my favorite housepets character. He's just really cute. :3
    Also, like my new avatar? :>
    Hai. I need your help D:

    I noticed in a super old post of yours in Dgames that you were going to stop posting sooo much content in Mafia. (I was looking for the Monster Island thread and saw this strat thread so I went in there :3)

    I know you must have grown from that stage, and now, I myself have that problem.

    I like to think, I like to be detailed, but kids don't wanna read my wot's ;-;

    Plus it makes it seem I'm trying to appear an alignment that I already am

    See, even here I can't do a short message.

    Do you have any advice to this? : ] Thanks Xiivi! :3
    Holy crap, I can barely even understand that system, lol. Sounds like you've got a good system down though.

    Check it out is awesome
    Also like Better than revenge, Sleazy, Grenade, Haunted, and The Time. Ah Memories is cool too. I haven't heard that until now. Nice list.
    Nah, I was just listening to it the other day and I knew you liked B.E.P., so I posted it. :3

    I like your country selections. <3 Taylor Swift. Kenny Chesney is hit or miss for me, but Somewhere With You is a great song. Also liking the Katy Perry.
    Ok now I'm well rested, much better.

    Ok music, ummm...I like Owl City, Pink Floyd, ACDC, those are some I listen to.

    I have a thing for instrumental music, I enjoy BGMs from TV shows and movies, not sure why I kinda just like sitting down and enjoying the mood they set.

    For artists and such, I'm not sure. I never have been music savy so I've gotten stuff my friends have recommended me mostly. And I enjoyed most of it, only thing I was recommended I didn't like was Insane Clown something, I honestly can't remember.
    nice reworked chart :)

    boo no avril debut :p

    yay enrique debut!!

    top 5 is hot

    MGMT overload :p
    You showed me this!
    Although now that you've officially posted this on my VM wall, I feel like I've been initiated in your "share my charts" circle. :p
    Only if we cna heckle as well ;)

    Not sure, I'll grab him on aim next I see him and ask.
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