So i didn't go to sleep till like 4 ish, with nothing more than my title and my thesis statement. The assignment itself is a 12 page paper, this was just like a check up to make sure we're actually doing work, but my teacher is HAAAAAAARRRRRRDDDD to please. She's published two books, has three in the waiting line and is just way way way toooo smart. So i had to BS like the natural BS'er that i am; ended up turning in two pages off the dome. When she called me in class to evaluate what i have so far, and anything i might need she said: "Jonathan , i love your title"
She's skimming my paper, and i say " I already fixed my passive sentences". She says "Yea, other than the passive in this paper, you have grabbed my attention...keep writing."
Because of that my life is like complete lol, one TOUGH TOUGH cookie. Talk about confidence booster lol, i just felt that i should have told you how it went LOL.