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  • I actually just posted in that thread earlier today :p
    I might be going, but I can never be too sure. We'll see :)

    I bet I could get a ride though, so chances are that I'll be going =D
    Can you bring back the avatar you had around christmas??
    She was blonde and had a hat on :3
    And wheres japanese pop girl? =<
    start some thing up then. I am trying to get people argee and they don't and I know they won't(why would I do it then) because most of the time there no proof and they have to prove pichu sucks by playing so why not? I think to fast and hey it's what I think from playing and that's more than some people.

    skip to here because he is trying to really get pichu's metagame going

    start a thread about pichu stages
    can you make this a tread in the pichu boards? you don't have to spell check or anything


    Sorry I don't have any pictures.

    I don't think pichu really has any bad stages but you have to know the stages better than most people

    Platforms-platforms all good for pichu in general, plaforms let you control space better for A number of reasons
    1.up-air anyone
    2.You can use Up-B to zip around giveing a better aproach
    3.they protect you from thunder
    4. A safer recovery that many people can't use

    Important platforms
    Yoshi's story-The top platform let's you be creative like most but it's faster and you can get to any point on the stage from there.
    The side one's let you go staight for the egde with Up-B but you could just fall to grab the edge if they make it back on the stage to can Upair them to death

    Dreamland64-the only place you can go staight up to the top platfrom meaning this should be one of pichu's most mobile stages

    Any large platfrom-you can slide across any large platform with up-B no skill need and it's perfect

    Main land-for the main land keep in mind can use thunder for defence best on the main land and It let's you chain throw better (your foe can chain throw better)
    If you see a curve in the stage it can help you by giving you a short cut for your up-B

    Just stages

    Yoshi's story- A very mobile stage for pichu good for floatlys like J-puff and Fastfallers Bad for anyone with A great upwards kill power,marth because of egde gaurd and he can go though the platforms, and bowser because of their tricks and they feel better on this stage1
    It has great platforms to work with the top can go at more angles then top platforms and you can jump from the side plaforms and you can sh upairs under the platforms

    Don't use UP-B to zip around unless you have mastered it not count the platform stuff

    your chain throws are decent here and their chain throws don't last as long

    Best for-samus,peach,ice climbers,Falco, C. Falcon,zelda,J-puff
    terrible for pikachu,sheik(up-smash=retartedly early kills)Fox, and marth most people will say bowser too

    Dreamland 64- I like it

    Platforms-the only place where you can go staight up and down the top platform your air moves feel faster on the platforms and remember the most important rule of this stage, never take a floatly with a decent revovery here (def. of decent here, C. Falcon)

    Pichu can live here for a long time and chain throw people

    Be careful with thunder

    Bad for-a floatly with a decent revovery,a camper
    Good for marth, and about everyone that isn't floatly (mario is cool to take here)

    Corneria-A great stage for pichu(like most)you may think pichu would think this is A terrible place for pichu,low percent everywhere,camper,can't recover,Up-B looks useless etc
    But this is a great place for a pichu who never got good with Up-B because you can skip places with up-B and it's 100% skillless

    pichu kills at low percents so yeah

    chain throws can't chain throw,marth's sword is messed with,you are small so the lasers rarly hit you

    your f-smash hitbox is pushed upwards on some parts

    Up-B tricks(i can think of 3 with the curves and the egde)

    I may updata later depending on ______ but I didn't want to finsh this today because my hand was set on fire today so yeah

    and if _____ does updata ,can the 1st poster do it

    for more info. or Q about anything find me or go here http://www.smashboards.com/group.php?groupid=1103 or better yet let me back in to the melee boards
    Yeah, my Jiggz eats children for breakfast, and sometimes Lunch if necessary.

    And Diddy can be crazy fast if played right. I used him for a bit as a secondary and he's a ton of fun =D
    I gave up on him though, to much work to get really good with him xD
    Actually I live in Stony Plain, but that's about 2 mins away from Spruce Grove xD

    So I'm about 20 mins away from Edmonton, which isn't far at all

    And lol xD
    Can too D:<

    *Does a real moonwalk this time*


    And I still really like Melee. Peach is such a Tank and she's so fun haha
    So if I do play Melee I'd use her. I still suck *** at the game though

    And when did you decide/start playing brawl? O__o
    Oh **** Oh ****, I can't wait =D
    Yeah we'll definitely have to get together and do stuff :)

    Random note: MJ just started on my Itunes xD

    *Does a moonwalk*
    I stole a lot of Darrens fruit xD
    But that was still when I barely knew him lol o:
    The next time you go outside remember this. Look at what your stareing at. Due this I see everything like I saw it the 1st time and everything is amazing. But then again everyone thinks I am stoned.

    Its funny how someone nearly blind and delexic can see more than everyone

    No reason for posting.

    This half-*** plan will never work New reason the pichu boards are dead(you stated up a full thread about how it could be just me,epic backfire) because I can't post in the melee boards so what if could get back on to the melee boards and heck I have a few fans(WTF A madman has fans)
    Can you give me a link to what happened to KOTH?
    Im praying for him but i cant find the article
    It would help if you had a wall or something. qq

    Um, what happened was he was shot near his left lung, and he lost a lot of blood. Luckily for his brother, he onlygot shot in the leg, or else he wouldn't have been able to call 911. ):
    I saw your posts in the Proom and I just want so ask you what happened to KOTH? I saw his blog but what I want to know is how he got shot.
    Haha I know; there's a version with a velociraptor instead of a monkey and I'm trying to get Zero Beat to use it.
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