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  • It'll be better when I fix it tonight after I get home from work.

    In the meantime, I think I'll play some SNES stuff. Yay SNES stuff!
    Dude I'm gonna be extremely hands off with moderating the content of actual blogs.
    I'm only there to stop trolling/flaming (which there's a lot of) and to keep the place nice and healthy.

    Man, it's my room through and through, I'm definitely not gonna be an *** in it just because I'm a mod.
    Yeah, I'm going to fix mine when I get home from work tonight (this was edited poorly).

    What kind of avatar are you looking for?
    I don't have the original anymore, no :(. I gave it to Chu on CD, so maybe he still has it...
    I'm hosting a DDR tourny this weekend actually. How do you make a bracket?
    I live in Kansas so I go to the midwest ones, I've been to 5 tournys and 2 are coming up.
    We need a female smasher group. x] First idea is a good idea. Second not so much, I don't think I can find any friends that would become dedicated smashers, or anywhere near my skill level.
    Well, he helped me out last tourny and I already see a diffrence.
    The problem is, is that I am 15 and I'm a female so my parents don't let me go over when the smash crew is hosting because they are all older guys you know, and now I don't have much experience against alot of characters, but I taught myself alot, and I play with some nearby friends that are in the crew.
    Yeah, were in the same state. So I always see him at tournys, and were friends and all that, I was friends with him before he was all that amazing, but still awesome.
    Yeah, I'm really lucky because I have pretty much the best Fox in the USA maybe the world as my teacher IRL. x]
    He has soo much potential alot of people usually don't see because there aren't very many people that play him.
    Pshh.. No Fox sucks.

    Jk. I love Fox, yeah he's my main.

    And nice. x] It's good to see more Gannon love around here.
    Is that you in your avatar? I've always just wondered. If it is you then you're really pretty. =D
    Why do you always have lovely Asian women as your avatars now?
    You're going to make me **** buckets.
    haha actually, I slowly removed all of my friends until there were none left xD
    Don't worry, you were one of the last ones :p

    And so now I'm re adding everyone =/

    lol ho
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