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  • Lightweight Pro (might get this)
    Scavenger Pro (might get this)
    Flak Jacket Pro (never getting this)
    Hardened Pro
    Scout Pro
    Steady Aim Pro (might get this)
    Tactical Mask Pro (never getting this)
    Ninja Pro
    Marathon Pro (close to getting this)
    Second Chance Pro (lol never getting this)
    Yup! Been playing CTF with some friends lately for that challenge. :)

    CTF is fun with a good team. Don't know what other perks I will try to get the pro versions of yet.
    Good news! I completed the 2nd challenge for marathon pro! Now all I need to do is run 10 more miles for marathon pro! :awesome:
    No, I accidentally switched the numbers around. I always mix up the AK47 with AK74 for some reason. :urg:
    Also, your Xbox needs some love.
    I haven't heard you say "Badgerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" in a long time.
    Lame, and I'll be extremely busy this weekend cause I have like 5 assignments due next week. :urg:
    /facepalm self

    I meant he evolves into said pig demon.

    My logic is sound enough. > >
    Should be a .png file. I can experiment later. It may not be transparent as an avy on SWF. I'll look into it.

    I went with Tepig/Gannon.
    It was just a white background. Do you want the link? (There are like 30 drawings in the thread I found the avatar at.)
    'Cept it wasn't cool.
    Moles are third.
    Yeah I guess.
    It was the closest thing to a badger.
    I dunno, I've used it since Pokemon Red. (In that game, I only cared about my Charizard. :bee:)
    Yeah, I caught the first form of damanitan just now, gonna go with that.

    Was considering excadrill. Golett looks pretty boss though.

    Ah yeah, thought so. Just making sure.
    My fire type is pansear but he's pretty weak. I don't wanna evolve him until he gets crunch but that's not it'll like level 43 or something. I just wanna find a stronger fire type but that's almost non existent.

    Also need a ground/dragon. Thinking of axew, golett or deino.

    Oh, and honest question I've been wondering about for some time now. Is there any difference between a pokemon you caught at say level 30 and one you've trained from level 5 to 30? Besides moveset. Wondering if that does anything stat wise, because I've never liked catching pokemon at high levels.
    Yeah, you can. And use that EXP share thing. I give them to my weakest Pokemon.

    Try to catch the weather/cloud pokemon too. (When you're walking in this one place, it will start to rain/thunder. You know he's near you then.)
    I usually don't get a fighting type. The only fighting type I've gotten in the past was lucario because he's a boss.
    I hate the male one cause of the mask they wear.

    The weird thing about the Elite 4 in this game is that I found the 1st person to be the hardest then it got easier. =/

    I need to find the sages now since I've already beat the Elite 4.
    So far it's blitzle, pidove, dewott, pansear, and munna.

    Seeing as it's a totally new game, I have no idea what pokemon I'm looking for to be on my team. Needs moar dragons....
    I mean this: (Changes every time you click on your user profile.)

    The random team of 6 SWF gives you when you click on your user profile. This thread is about the random team helping you out in case of a zombie apocalypse.

    I am ready.
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