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  • Yeah, just listened to it now. Not as good as the LEEEERRROOOOOOOOYYYY JENKINSSSSS!!!!! one.
    My 360 sounds like a jet going off everytime I play Black Ops. I would install it but I don't have enough space on my 20 GB HDD and I refuse to pay M$ lots of money for overpriced hard drives and 360 accessories. But when I play the Gears 3 beta, it's quiet as it can be.

    I'm planning on buying a slim 360 when I get a full time job to replace this one. It sometimes can't read game discs.
    I will keep you updated on this issue. I expect to hear good news in a few months. (Give them some time, the 3DS is still new and has a new security system built-in. They'll find a way/workaround, trust me. Nintendo can't win.) :cool:

    Can't wait for all the awesome games coming out later! (OoT remake, New Mario Kart, New Mario Bros. and Paper Mario!)
    Good news: Flashcard makes are upgrading their cards so the 3DS thinks it's a Japanese game so Nintendo can't find/detect it. ;)
    If you have Vegas Pro, then you should be all set. Learn how to edit and stuff. I'm sure there's tons of resources online.
    /shrug Don't know what to tell ya there man. I wasn't the first person to do it either. Or the last. Or the first or last with Tomahawks. Look at player-1. The man has 10k T-hawks.

    So what? Keep doing what you do man.Just keep at it, and get some videos posted. I know you're recording. You get that video editor link I posted last week?
    O___o Don't worry about it. It's not a big deal. We'll play sometime soon. Sometimes there are messages that just aren't responded too. Or need to be. Happens all the time.
    I tried playing some Black Ops this morning but my console can't read discs. It makes this weird "clicking" sound 2 times when you close the tray with a disc in and won't read ANY discs.

    I looked at the xbox.com warranty page and read this:

    The cost of an out-of-warranty console repair varies:

    $99.99 plus tax if you submit a repair request online
    $119.99 plus tax if you call Xbox Support and have a support agent create the repair order for you
    LAWL. They're joking, right? They expect me to pay for their ****ty hardware quality? NO! I swear, if the next Xbox has problems, I'm not buying it. I may even go back to Nintendo or...*shudders* Sony.
    That was me, I was on top of the 3 stairwell building on our spawn side. I also saw a sniper and tried shooting him but missed a few shots and had to take score in fear of getting one shotted.

    Stop ignoring me on AIM. D:
    I was shooting at you with my ACR but you got away. D:

    Then some dumb *** teammate blocked me from running away from your javelin!!!! :mad:
    No clue. The account still exists, so unless he made a new one, I don't think it's him.
    The 360 has 2 kinds of warranty:

    3 years from the DOP (date of purchase) for the RROD (does NOT reset every time you get it repaired)

    1 year for everything else (disc reading problems etc.)

    And if you open up your console, it automatically avoids all of your warranty, so be careful. Mine is still covered for the RROD. (You can buy more warranty btw, check the prices out on the xbox website.)
    Oh yeah, I remember telling you a few months ago that my 360 had the exact same problem but it fixed itself. :D

    Your 360 is probably going to break down soon, hope it's still covered under warranty!
    Yeah mang.
    We gonna rock it.
    We have TK too, so now we're set.
    We might join a Grifball Summer Ladder
    Oh yeah, I forgot about that small detail. I guess I'll try to get steady aim pro after I'm done with marathon. :)
    I do not see any point in getting lightweight pro because I don't jump out of buildings that often in this game.

    And are you sure about the pro effects of steady aim? Doesn't sleight of hand pro make you ADS 50% faster?
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