Well it took three years of waiting and filtering out garbage people out of the way lol. We're a lot alike and most importantly, we get along. No nonsense arguments out of stupid ****, not even close. Just a great friendship with plenty of love involved.
Mass effect 3 is the best out of the three for about 99.5% of the game, then it commits suicide and tries to sell itself as art. The mp is fun for a while. Yeah I worded it wrong, just if I could give you a percentage, my video game time will be lowered by a good 80%. I'm not even buying Halo 4, just gonna beat the story with my cousin via split screen and be done with it. Which in other words means fight the urge to play it lol. But I'm sure I'll be busy with school anyway.
If you've got anything recorded send it my way, piano's my favorite instrument to listen to. You were just Teran lol, actually you manned the Blogs or something. LOL is that ****ing denzel????? MAH *****.
Mass effect 3 is the best out of the three for about 99.5% of the game, then it commits suicide and tries to sell itself as art. The mp is fun for a while. Yeah I worded it wrong, just if I could give you a percentage, my video game time will be lowered by a good 80%. I'm not even buying Halo 4, just gonna beat the story with my cousin via split screen and be done with it. Which in other words means fight the urge to play it lol. But I'm sure I'll be busy with school anyway.
If you've got anything recorded send it my way, piano's my favorite instrument to listen to. You were just Teran lol, actually you manned the Blogs or something. LOL is that ****ing denzel????? MAH *****.