Do you have any advice about the whole situation when practicing with my friend? It's like he always keeps the exact count of wins and losses, and that honestly annoys me. I want to practice, not just focus on winning. When you play the same person over and over, at least 3 times a week for years, I doubt just knowing the matchup against them will get you far. I honestly just want to get rid of my ego and not be afraid to try new things, without the fear of losing.
I think by the way you tell me, the situation between you and your friend, it honestly sounds a lot like we used to be in the first few months. I felt very dominant, only losing a few matches each session (very few, in comparison). However, when I started trying out Joker, and then Banjo, I feel he made quite a jump during the time, between my having to re-train Zelda to keep up until now.