lolololol, some douche melee player got mad because i was defending brawl, so like the vice president of mlg stepped in and told the guy attacking me he was an idiot.
Originally Posted by DanteFox View Post
you missed the point. a good number of smashers came back to melee and 64. I don't see that happening with brawl.
let me spell it out for you and then I'm done:
--brawl is popular because it's new. games like starcraft, MvC2 and melee are popular because they're good games.
--MLG picked up brawl because it's popular. Popularity = $$$
--ergo, brawl is on the circuit because it's newer than melee. the game being played doesn't matter to the people that make these kinds of decisions.
Mlg Vp:
The type of bickering in this thread will make me not want to involve the league in a community. I think I should introduce myself, my name is Adam Apicella, I am the Senior Vice President of League Operations and Production for MLG, I have been with the company since day #1. Along with a few others on my team I make the decision on what games are on the circuit.
I will start off by saying, your post is EXTREMELY insulting and baseless. We game test titles endlessly and do our best to make informed decisions. The grave yard of competitors is filled with the exact 'league' you're describing: making decisions based on $$. We are not willing to pick up a game that is 9 years old, played on a console that is not even sold in retail stores anymore, and has no online capabilities, sorry but there is no growth potential there. Is Melee good? Yes of course it is, but so is Halo 1 and Tecmo Super Bowl. We always strive to pick up titles that have the best competitive merit, a large community, and just overall make sense for the league we have built over 7-8 years. We do not take this responsibility lightly.
Again, please do not ruin this entire announcement with this debate. It is old, and it is the same debate that springs up every time there is a new iteration of a popular competitive title (See Counter Strike, Halo, Street Fighter, etc)
In closing, I would like to officially say that we WILL have a 2v2 side tournament at every event. Details to be released later.