but lucario has his everything. Those two moves ya mention'd are basically our whole repertoire against lucario.
Egglays decent for slowly wracking up damage on lucario but at higher percents when we need to take lucario down we have no reliable option. He can put on the most pressure out of any character on our shields and theres nothing we can do about it. He out spaces us, out disjoints us, and shuts down our only reliable kill moves with D-air. We can't even throw eggs to get him to approach because you can aura sphere on reaction.
Lucario doesn't completely wall characters, but in yoshis situation he does. Lucarios at his strongest when he doesn't have to approach, and yoshi's at his weakest when hes not getting any real reaction out of his opponent. Its just terrible. ;~; N-airs our "reliable" kill move in this MU. and by reliable I mean mash the A button while in the air and hope it makes contact with lucario at high percent.
Our jabs pretty cool too.