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  • Fire Emblem Ds O.o!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Haha, having a brand new site sure helped :B

    Yeah, I shut down the old site...Proboards is MUCH better
    SC's not too bad...maybe once I start driving o.o *lives in good ol' Virginny*
    Well, where do you live? And hey, feel free to check out H4x0RZ :B

    Yeah, I don't give a **** about that new Nazi-rule that you can't advertise in sigs...IMMA DOIN' IT!!!
    Gahahaha *Ganondorf cackle*

    Sorry. M&G is my favorite forum. Thanks for the holding the fort when I was gone. lol
    Hahaha, don't feel bad. Caeda + Linde are just too good! Also, I can play anything if you want to. I still have stuff to do, but I'm free to do that whenever.
    I also love how a bunch of ******* like DemonFart and Professor mgw got in and I didn't XD

    I guess not playing Brawl instantly makes me a square, AMIRITE XD


    But yeah, how you doin'?
    Haha, that's strange, because I didn't attempt to time that, it just worked out that way. xD Finish FE!!! Be back by 11PM.
    Haha, no worries man. I don't take anything into online, I only play online with you, and that's because you're a good friend. Well, time for me to get back to work. Turns out I wasn't needed until now anyways.
    I'm so sorry dude, believe me I know how it feels. I feel bad now. ='( But it's the risk we take by playing online, we've known this for awhile now. Hence why I'm probably dropping out of the online tournament thing.
    Nah, it's alright. I said I'd play and I will. xD Would you prefer to pause it when I have to go or just wait 'till later. If you're going to be busy later, the first option is probably better.
    Um... let's see... I'm eating just about now, so that'll be done in 10-15 minutes or so. Then there's the issue of this scholarship essay I have to finish. I'm going to have someone look at it right after dinner. I'd be free while they're reading it, but then I have to be there to respond. I have no idea how long that could take. The essay was great when it was 2200 words, but due to requirements I had to shorten it to 1500 words. I thought that'd be done by now. =/ So we could either pause and resume or just start later. Sorry dude.
    Whoa, for some reason my account didn't say "Notification: VM" when you sent that. D= Sorry, um I'm making lunch now. Hm............................. It's pasta so it's gonna be tricky balencing that and Smash, but I could give it a shot. Also, lame @ keyboard not working.
    WHERE ARE YOU?! Well Draug should be easy enough to find, then again he has decent speed. And Julian is probably like level -1, so I should be okay. Ah, but Caeda's weapon also has a weight of only 1. I think that helps the speed issue.
    D=! NINJAS DON'T EXIST! The closest thing is theives, in which case, STOP WEARING DOWN MY ITEMS!
    Caeda: LEVEL 20 HP = 55 Skill = 26 Speed = 23 Luck = 30 (all those are maxed) Def: 19 Strength = 16 Resistance = 5 Move = 10 Weapon: Whitewind (Wing Spear, super effective against calvalry and armored units) = 36 attack, 161 hit, 53 critical, 38 avoid. Also has Iote's Shield, that negates bow's advantage on flying units.


    ='( @ weapons
    OH SNAP, TIME TO BREAK OUT SOME STATS! *takes out DS* By the way, I beat the game last night BUT some of my favorite weapons are really low on uses, and since I didn't get a chance to revitalize them before I finished off the boss, they have to stay that way. I'm going to have to fix them at the start of EVERY battle. =/
    Ah dang man, you're really starting to scare me. xD You get a pretty strong General in a later chapter by the way. BUT CAN YOUR DEFENSE HANDLE MY OFFENSE?!
    I gueeeeeess lol... Yeah, the connection was pretty darn bad. Solid and I did some 1v1's afterwards. That storm is coming up here tomorrow. SNOW DAY?!
    Hey man, I'm really sorry that I didn't get your IM earlier, I was away from the computer. I'm still gonna kick your butt though. =P
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