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sammy p
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  • Lol but pikachu learns volt tackle :D. Although it is hard to find a pikachu with a light ball so I can breed them XD
    Yes that and the fact that pikachu is just so complicated. Even his recovery. I only need to go up twice and since if I go to the side Ill get stuck under the stage I can only do it once without turning on the second quick attack..... even lost me a match once **** you pikachu. Only good thing about him is that he can learn volt tackle XD. Actually its weird but he is my favorite poke in the games XD
    I still hate pikachu with a passion XD. Everytime I use him he loses every single match for me XD
    Haha, well, whenever you are ready, tell me. And I will try too. But I am ready anytime this morning (unless something comes up) and tonight. But mid-day is not too good. Heh.
    I want to Brawl as soon as you can. So yeah, message me when you can/want to.
    So how is life treating you.
    Yeah..... I also can only get on here like in the evening, and not even for very long. I hate it, because this is what I look forward to every day. :)
    I finally got through mah first two days, and I already am starving for Thanksgiving Break. I hate this more than anything.

    I found out today they're taking Coke off the campus and replacing it with pepsi. :( For me, that's like hell on earth.
    Lol that reminds me of this one guy in my class he sleeps through all of math and once he even drooled on the table XD and as an added bonus he was snoring :chuckle:
    Cant wait to go to school XD. Finally got rid of all the teachers I hated double XD
    You know I have a friend like that? I beat on his *** everytime we play brawl. And I usually beat him without losing stock (we do 10 stock XD) and everytime we are gonna play he says that I never have beat him once. WTF only once has he beat me because I was expiramenting with a new main to not much success XD
    Well, part of it was the fact that it wasn't the "real" tourney the weekend I went. The place I went to said every 3rd weekend was the 50 person turnout, big legit tournament. Every other weekend was the 10 person tournament practice/scrub tourney... So I lucked out and got second... best scrub...
    Yeah, me and my friend had to face each other in the Semi Finals at the kinda legit tournament. I barely won (everyone else at the tournament except for the last guy really sucked).
    Very cool. I want to participate, but I have college :( I was at face to face tournaments, so it kinda scared me when a kid 5 years younger than me (remember, I'm an old teenager) nearly kicked my as$.
    Oh' well Ok n_n we'll play then, then. Heheh, Umm well I appreciate you talkin to me and such, it was awesome, but I believe zzz has my number tonite!

    Good night! =}
    =} all right. Will do. We should probably play tomorrow, I'm probably going to fall zzzzzz watching the Lion King! >_>; I wuv the Lion King! :p
    Well allrite =} It's only fair that I try and make you smile then too. Hmmm too bad, I can't think of anything funny. >_< Well hopefully, we'll get to chat and get to know each other and stuff. Hopefully I can get better myself, and learn too from everyone. =3
    Hey You! :p Wow this is kinda cool, I can message you but like it's like an MSN kinda message thingy? (LOL i'm so sorry i'm so new at this I feel stupid) But Thank you for the Friend Request. You're my first Friend! YAY! you make me smile, you know that! =3
    Whenever you want to ply Wifi, let me know. I will try my hardest to get on at that time. Yeah, it was his first time at my church, but we have a wii in the teen's center. And there is Brawl. So I played him because he said he was good. And he was.
    lol what kept ya from joining? So far Im not dead yet :chuckle: fun game though. yesterday you couldve asked for a late entry he wouldve allowed it...
    Oh, the tournaments I went to had no counterpicking... lol. Well, from how I understand it, the person who loses (I'd like to say) chooses a stage that is good for you and bad for them. Say you're going against a Snake and you're using Pit: you'll want to pick a stage that is not flat and has a lot of platforms to prevent camping and spamming with traps *they make me sad*
    Yeah, I met a kid at church today who is VERY good with Toon Link, I was like... wow, I never played somebody that was not robotic with him. You know?
    I want to find an actual main. Do you play on Wifi?
    Well, I technically MAIN Random. I think I am good enough at the game to beat somebody with any character (Besides Wario or R.O.B because they are just awkward to me).
    But if I was told to pick a certain character to play, it would be between one of many.
    Luigi, Diddy, Ness, Lucas, Ice Climbers, Ganondorf, Link, Jiggs, PEACH, Wolf, or Bowser. I just have a wide variety of favorites, and I cannot decide which one I should REALLY main.
    Oh really? Those are some spiffy places. I live in Florida, not much here that is not too hot to do. Haha. It is not that I let them get me down, I just cannot stand hardheadedness. You know? It really hurts some of the members feelings, and I know how it feels to get "bullied". So I do not like seeing it when tehre is nothing you can really do...

    You main Luigi?
    Yeah, hey. Sorry, I do not really come to this site much anymore, because I have not had much time to Brawl (Which is why I came to the site), and the "Official SSB4 discussion" topic is something I was looking for for a while now, and the people there are just not very.... Open minded people in my opinion, they just like to put others dow and jump to conclusions on things, so I have not been on much. Sorry for this message being a "mini-vent" towards the site. But Yeah, I have been up to watching all the kids, and bowling in my spare time. You?
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