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sammy p
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  • So sammy killed olimar yet? XD lol.... knowing how much you hate him I think you would at least by now have killed him XD
    XD....... why am I hoping squirtle wins? **** him and his cuteness.... I think hes another one that wouldve died without my care
    lol seriously you were that pissed off..... well I should know I was going on a rampage everytime falco was getting saved in melee and zombie kept saving him....
    :chuckle: lol..... eliminated Olimar yet XD. I think he wouldve been eliminated sooner if I hadnt been saving him so much XD
    I heard......... its a VG hero game right? Yeah someone told me in PM........ Id like to know what heros hes putting........ anyways yeah sorry if Ive put too much pressure on you anyways...... **** you sprint and your evil ways *Shakes fist*
    I dunno prolly this week or so...... my dad has to change from that ****ty Sprint 3g connection to a better connection with Direct Tv
    Hahahaha, L.o.L. I still hate math though, me and math just don't click, but I love and I mean love Bcis 1. A computer class thing. Gotta go, dinner. Having Hot Dogs, Yum...
    btw since there are less votes then kill olimar for all its worth. When it reaches to three leave squirtle... Im kinda hoping he wins though XD
    So Id say that is the majority considering all the people that play. Tell them Im lowering it to four and when it boils even lower then three. what do you think? good idea?
    People really say that? Before I change the vote count about how many people want it changed? Majority? Minority?
    Yeah good ol education. :p don't worry, You'll regret it now, like I did, but in the long run, it'll be good for you. I promise =3
    So uhhh sammy I guess people are ok with the idea... so Im giving you my votes until I get back. Im gonna have you saving sonic, kirby, lucas, squirtle (I just love the little turtle), and olimar... Now if for some reason somebody is eliminated that I voted for then tell me so I can change it. If for example lightosia saves lucas before you do then..... Im still thinking about it but its either you dont use that vote or you get a free one. Im trying to make this as fair as possible
    Hey Sammy =3

    Sorry I haven't been on in a while, I forgot to mention that school has started for me. ={ and man do I hate school, but I need it you know?

    More importantly what's up? How've you been? =3
    Thanks for understanding sammy. But ask them and if they say yes then Ill give you my five votes until I can play again. I ask you this because you are basically the person I trust most in the forums. You were my first serious friend and your trustworthy enough for me to trust with you my votes. There are many more people who would abuse mg votes but I know you wouldnt
    Sorry sammy there are a lot of games Im unable to play due to the fact that I have no internet and the only thing saving my *** is my phone. I cant play the amazing race because I cant copy paste on my phone and also my phone has a 1000 character limit so I cant fit anymore words in the post. Also I have a slow loading phone and it is impossible for me to play on active threads due to the fact Id be getting ninja'd a lot. But if you can do me a favor for the amazing race Im gonna add a rule for the OP... well in the rules section for the list. Im gonna add a rule for people who are gonna be inactive. Im gonna put a rule saying that if your gonna be inactive you can give your votes to someone else so thet can use them for you. But Im gonna say that you have to use the votes on the characters they ask you to vote on. Wadda you think? I was thinking if you could vote for me meaning youd have 10 a day but 5 have to be used on characters the person asks you to save. what do you think? good idea?
    Do you want to brawl? If it's as slow last time, though, I'm probably not going to do more than two matches.

    I guess I'll come back later.
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