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  • You're one of the smartest people I've met on SWF.
    I have to thank you for the advice again, truly.

    Now I just have to wait for him to get back on. >___>
    Alright, Im still unsure if I will be able to make it tomorrow. Did you go today?
    We have phones, lolol :p
    but he got it taken away. There goes all my forms of communication :c
    Thank you, a LOT.
    I'm sorry to hear about what happened, and that's really low that he would do that.

    But, I think showing him these messages might help us. I want to be 200% sure about us, even though we've pretty much talked about everything. Theres still a lot more. But yeah, It's kind of hard not to be sure about us, when he says "When I talk to you, I forget all the bad things, and it makes me happy". And thats coming from a bi-polar, clinically depressed, semi-suicidle person. I accept him for who he is, and I'm doing everything in my current power to help him. He say's I've already helped him a lot, and he's done the same for me. We also have like so much in common, it's almost scary, lol. But yeah, I'll take what you say to heart. I truly appreciate your concern and words of advice.
    I know I don't know everything about him.
    And I know to wait.
    It's just I'm so certain about us.
    Its kind of crazy how much we have in common. And...
    well I guess its hard to explain it and stuff. >_> But I'm thinking clearly, and I understand the consequences and risks. I've honestly never felt more sure about anything in my life. The things we talk about >__> and...yeah.
    The thing is im 150% sure about who Ben is. And how I make him feel, and how he makes me feel.
    I know what to expect, and I know how to make it work. For someone to tell me otherwise made me snap >_>
    I know Alex is cool and all, but I don't think it was him personally, if anyone had said it I would have gone off on them.
    Thanks for your concern, I just really don't want people saying something can't happen, when they know nothing of the situation. Whats even worse is that he was being sarcastic about it. Blegh, that just made my mood worse >_>

    But yeah, I'll take your words into mind. But, it's kind of hard not to care about what people think.
    OH I SEE
    I was going to add that in there, actually, but I decided not to. Lol. It's not really a sexual preference. xP

    Cape:Gold outside, Black inside
    Top: Gold armor, Black Shirt
    Bottem: Black pants, gold boots
    Sheath: Gold

    Anything minor not mentioned Ill let you decide =3
    well today is verils birthday (and im still worthless at trying to make txture hacks) so i was wondering if perhaps u could make his zombie puff and upload it on megaupload or something so that he can use his own jiggs =D

    thats his zombie puff, preferably with the sunhat (cuz he loves the sunhat and zombie puff + sunhat would make his fantasies come true)
    Of studio 10 can't recognise the Dazzle, then maybe you'll have to use the instant DVD recorder.

    Tell me what settings you were using when you were using the instant DVD recorder?
    Tell me exactly how you've connected the Dazzle to the TV.

    I really don't know what's wrong lol.
    ggs, I knew I should've gone mk instead of G&W. He's not very good compared to my mk, I just picked him up three days ago lulz. /johns. ggs, you can post results or w/e
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