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  • hey orion alex couldnt get his sleepy hat thing to work for santa, but i do have a different request and this one is really ez. is it possible to bring back the rambo puff without the tails coming outta her headband? we all know that parts impossible but a headband is better than no headband
    Gah Id be scared ****less if a computer of mine broke. I dont know what I would do without a computer
    Was that really you I was playing?

    Whoever it was, they acted hella different... :mad:

    Okay, I guess I just need to learn to control my temper. :x
    I get angry really easily xD

    Ben is limited to the computer on the weekdays, and his phone is confiscated until he gets his grades up :x
    The only reasons he was on last night is because he snuck on while doing his homework.
    Well, I don't know how I feel right now :x
    Just confuzzled.
    Ill figure it out over a good nights sleep, which I should be getting soon.

    But yeah, I realized something about myself today.
    Im incredibly mean and tormenting when Im angry, but like super nice when Im not. ><
    I also get frustrated and annoyed easily, but get over them quickly.

    Its like someone else takes over when im mad.
    Im so confused right now D:
    I know I should, but ><

    Whatever, Ill figure it out lol :c

    I wish Ben were here
    Can I ask you something?
    I came to you because you're one of the few people I know who isn't afraid to give an honest answer, and its elaborate with it.
    But, does religion make any sense to you? ._.
    Its impossible for me to believe in something that is supposedly all knowing, all powerful, and giving, yet singles out a group simply because of their sexuality. >_> It doesnt make any sense to me.
    i have only about 15min:(

    hmm...can we try tomorrow? lol
    i'll be available most of the day as well D:
    blarg,by the time you're back i probably won't be able to do it

    hmm tomorrow i'll be more available, so we can get it done then

    my cp is delfino
    Im not going to be able to make it Y_Y
    I swear Colorado has the most off weather... We couldnt even get the car to start this morning. I really wanted to go to this one though. :urg:
    :ohwell: but theres always next time I suppose but this was the big one. =P
    Bravo for your keen insight. not saying I've never thought the same thing. I just don't care enough to make a big deal out of it. if he pushes us to the LGTB group for a week, it's not like it's a problem or anything.

    anyhow. I agree with you if no-one else does.
    Haha, thanks...been trying to find a good pic that incorporates falco, wolf, and fox..since they are my trio-of-pwn in brawl...i thought editing the falco on fox pic might do it justice xP
    Mhm, but its the truth. Your posts, they have so much truth and thought put into them. I love that D:
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