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  • hey reo? has wifi been down for you and other people lately??? cause I heard it was down, and me and my Ice Climber friends couldn't play. :S
    I'm still working on my skills on fighting two or more people as Olimar, so battling two people at once might kill me.
    I'm really sorry to dissapoint you mate! I really am, now situtations like these are why I long for a Brawl and wi-fi connection...
    ughhhh gay i can't my little half-sister took the wii to a friends house for a sleep-over so she can play Animal Crossing... hey sorry bout that i really wanna play you!!! and i think that i already added you. guess i'll have to wait ^^
    now that is cool :cool: hope I can win it...but I doubt it...

    I can't brawl probably till next week...this weekend is busy as hell :(
    Hey Reo msg me sometime soon and i might be online for some brawls

    and i'll show you how legendary my zss is:D
    hey man, sorry we couldn't play but I was waiting for a tourney match with someone else >.> maybe we could brawl later?
    i guess the adrenaline kicks in during a tourny and it makes me play better...lol
    Sheik's your main right?...I learned a few things from playing your Sheik...i jus picked her up a little while ago while practicing with Zelda(who Im still learning...lol)
    Your tournies are great!
    Im tryna learn how to beat DK with Lucas....that match up is killer its 25-75 in DK's favor...he is a part of Lucas' "Deadly 4" (G&W, DK,Marth, MK) those match ups are almost impossible for him to win....lol...Im trying my best to get Lucas' rep better he's very unpopular and low tier:(
    Well til next time...I hope to be a challenge for u:)
    Sorry about dat...my wifi disconnected me and is acting up again:(
    I suck on wifi...lol
    Im alot better offline
    Once I adjust to the lag...i'll be a challenge for u...lol:)
    And for some reason I only do good online during tournies
    idk why...lol
    Im gonna go practice online more once my wifi starts workin again so I can play to my full potential against u:)
    Your really good...u play like a pro:)
    Do u place high in tournies??
    Hey hey, I can play now. Although it seems everyone's wifi is being strange today.
    well then i'll just have to wait till i battle you in a serious match then
    but yea its good pracitce.

    and Merry Christmas Reo =]
    alright when ever i see you man i'll ask i want a rematch agains your sheik i have to redeem myself

    well have a good night man=]
    My Luigi and Wario are secondaries. I'm basically still searching for a character that I can confidently play while being good at him.
    maybe =] naw i didn't i hhave been building up my four legendary mains toon link samus zss and Link( which is new) but i'll be winning tourneis with them all
    i like to play characters that take alot of mindgaming and pure skill w/predicting too win its so much more satisfying when you win =]

    good sheik though but i say you need some boost smashing and vanishing glides added for fun =D

    i wanted to main sheik so i know everything about her and zelda along with peach

    infact i still play them :D
    Lol, thanx. To tell the truth I haven't mained someone longer than 3 weeks :laugh:. This is the second time I've mained Wolf, I pretty much forgot everything about him though. I'm starting DDD too, hopefully I'll stick with him longer than that. :p
    uuhhhh idk why ppl just won't respond but i've had 3 dropouts its ridculous
    but thnx reo:D
    ya what Link said, but they shoukdn't count
    neither of us knew if they were tourney matches or not.
    i even killed myself in one of them, because he got gayed by the lag.
    i thought they were friendlies lol.
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