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  • Yeah i'm still up for it, i'm just to cold, it's only 3 degrees outside. :(
    I go to bed now...maybe later this week :(. btw, do you know who my opponent in the quarterfinals is yet??? lil cj or meleemasta? I wanna find out and finish my match fast :p
    Ahhh! I see now, if I challenge her in the tornament and that's means she'll tough to challenge. Am I right or am I wrong?
    No fair!!! Ahhhh! So I was to weak against her after all this time!?!? No way!!! What kind of person i'm challenging, am I facing the best female player on Smashboards, or i'm a total joke against her? I feel so ashame as a Luigi mainer. :(
    I see, your really are one tough opponent my friend, and Glancoe is pretty good too. :)
    Zeo ihow are you? well nvm about that i have re-created the fierce 35 tryouts...i know you are busy but i want you to be a tester for the Fierce 35 tryout group ...
    ♥Hmmmmm..... okay. I think I'll try joining. Do you think you can remind me of each round too? It's a bit hard to keep track of everything. ^__^;

    ♥And may I suggest you explain your problem in the "Recent Server Issues" Thread? It's a place where you explain your site problems. ;)
    hey great games !!! XD... XC until that last one... i couldve sworn i had that won...until i completely fail and fall to my doom... you turned me EMO ;_;
    Hey Reo, if you wanna play IM me with AIM at "Napylopez" (notice the "y"). Or msn at napilopez@hotmail.com
    You play Olimar now!?!? Whaaaa! What are you a random master!? 0_0 Whaaaaa!
    :laugh: You and Glancoe are a funny couple, ya'll two always make me laugh! :laugh: And if you see Glancoe tell her she did good on a matches, and I hope to challenge her again sometimes. :)
    Are you the Reo the one I fought the other day? With that other guy Helix?
    Good Games man you have a cool olimar.
    We should play again soon.
    Nope. He's actually pretty good 1v1. He's still a spammer though -.- He was abusing the hell out of that Up B so I turned team attack on.
    Haha, I meant more like after we sleep and wakeup. For a real, johnless match I owe you =P!

    I've been playing with no sound today to not wake up my parents, and I lolled cuz I was facing a snake, and I hadnt realized he had stickied a c4 on me and I was just running around like a dummy all happily thinking I would win, when he blew up the C4 on me after I jumped and I died XD
    Yo Reo, GGs! Sry I had to leave so soon, parents were telling me to shut the wii off throughout -_-. Hopefully some more later today?
    Not tonight Reo i'm sorry, i'm doing something important right now ok. Sorry. :(
    ya, IC's are pretty crappy without chaingrabs...so I better practice the timing of them with my IC friend online lulz. IC's have the highest learning curve by far in brawl though...I've been using them for 3 months, and I still have stuff to learn! ...but I quess that's what makes them one of the most fun characters in brawl too...:)
    fine we're even lol. you just totally proved me wrong :urg: but it does seem like you have less trouble with sheik then I do with Ice Climberz online...:p
    Yep. True dat. I have fun playing Snake and Kirby that's why I play them. I have the most fun playing as Ganon believe it or not.
    Thanx, my Snake is horrible and is a nuisance to the Snake mainers. I've mained Kirby since the start of the Smash series, I loved that part when I did those throw combos with him.
    nope...can't play right now. Ya I hate people who play with snake and Ike online also, it's like jab jab jab---Oh! 60% damage...

    People should learn how to use characters who suck online...like Ice Climbers. How much you wanna bet that IC's are even harder to use then sheik is online??
    Yeah, the recovery failures were frustrating. I was kind of tired. Most of them were good games though =]. I wish I could've shown you my Olimar.

    I might join the January tournament, although I've always had trouble keeping/remembering dates.
    ♥ Thanks a lot! You should get a Holiday avatar too! I bet you'd look good in one! ;)

    ♥I'd love to attend, but I'm afraid I might forget. ^__^;
    lol i was already crashing parties when you got online...lag kept killing me...no seriously it was koing me and i couldnt pull off combos right because of it...
    lol sorry I was brawling already, maybe we can brawl another time =D
    nah...I can't play right now. maybe tomorrow. you were wondering why I would run right into your fully charged fsmashes???! lol It's because offline, I'm use to just running right into them and then powershielding and punishing...but online, because of button delay, I push sheild, and it never comes out on time...maybe I have to push it faster or something :ohwell:
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