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  • Pink and I already our matches, but the problem is that I didn't know that Pink Fresh was my next opponent. So I don't really know if our last matches should count or not. 0_o
    Yo reo, you have aim? I always see your play invites too late. mine is Napylopez(with the "y") if you do. Or MSN at napilopez@hotmail.com
    ya, I think cj was pretty disappointed...but I would have been more disappointed if I lost (like I almost did), cause I missed a point blank easy grab to upsmash combo :urg:
    lol I was just so excited that I'm in the finals!! so I wanted you to update it quick =P

    lil cj pulled out zelda on the last 2 games, and freaked me out cause he started spamming fsmashes O.O it was so close...on the fourth game, we were both at around 120% on our last stock, then I grabbed him and charged up a smash, and then I missed lol...It was pretty funny and disappointing at the same time, cause then he usmashed me and I died :urg:. then it went to game 5, and he was winning by 2 stocks the whole game, but then I did this epic comeback, and 0-deathed him with my grabs. Then it was tied, and one hit would determine who would win cause we were both at high %'s
    nope, you're not the only one who can beat my Ice Climbers anymore. I played some AiB friends, and they started spamming smashes just for fun, and began to three stock me :ohwell: lol whatever, I'm just happy I'm in the finals...never would have thought I was good enough to make it that far :bee:

    btw, can you update your bracket? :p
    I'm in the finals...man, didn't think my little Ice Climbers would get me this far XD I have a feeling I'll be playing pinkfresh...:urg: I'm so gonna lose...
    Loooll, OMG that was horrible! Sonic ditto's are like one of my least favorite things in all of brawl, but FOUR Sonic's?!? Hahahahha.

    And yea I was like omg he's almost going to get me! I was on the phone and totally not paying attention to the other person onthe line haha, I wudda felt so bad if I got beat with my own main =P

    Fun matches today, pictochat was so lulz inducing, what with obstacels stopping me everytime I tried to hit you haha.
    Totally. I will murder this tourney with Wolf. I fought Aryman once in a match with another guy whose name escapes me. He is really good with Snake, I almost beat him except he utilted me and won.
    I use Sheik too when Im playin as Zelda
    I switch during the match...i jus started learning Sheik:)
    OK...lets brawl!
    U were good wit all your mains:)
    I try to copy Pink's playstyle sometimes....lol
    Merry Christmas!
    Lucas has trouble against DK and Marth:(
    I'll be a challenge for u next time:)
    The FFA's were epic
    and the team matches were fun
    Yeah I remember. That gave me a good laugh. Smidt or whatever his name was has has a great Peach. And I think I'm taking a liking to wolf.
    Sry i can't play now:( I really enjoyed playing you last time so i'll see if i can play tomorrow or anytime else during the holiday:). Im quite sure you will own me though, haven't played many people lately.
    itz ok dude...thx to the fauxfinder im getting lots of practice...on a different note do u know a smasher named Gutz and he mains pit
    lol i was just about to ask u if u wanted to brawl but after i read some of ur post it seems ur pretty occupied so i changed my mind.but feel free 2 pm if u wanna hook sumtin up

    Let me explain it much better than my peer did. (CJS)
    Anyways if they are able to beat you in a beat of three then you already know you are good enough to get in and obtain a spot that they want in that list. You can't promise people masters spots because they have to directly challenge that master to obtain that spot. (Yes one is allowed to tell if its good to have vice)

    Obviously If 3 stock them, or really beat them badly and they completely spammed and sucked... well then you tell them there not getting in.
    (Try not to be mean say you didn't qualify for a spot but feel free to come back when your ready etc etc.)

    If they didn't beat, but you saw there potential in there brawl skills they tell them they are in.

    Happy testing~
    Knubcakes "The King of Nubs"

    P.S. Yes thats my name on the chat if want to ask anymore questions.
    Or find me for some brawls ^-^ (Also the best place to test)
    ya, I don't blame you. You're a busy guy lol...

    anyways, that sucks XD I already lost to lil cj before...maybe I can redeem myself :p
    who am I playing in the quarterfinals this week: lil cj or meleemaster?

    lol this is the 3rd time I've asked you and got ignored XD
    SAY WHAT! NO WAY!!! PRINCESS PEACH!!!!! 0_0 You making me jealous Reo. ROAR!!!
    alright today i dont feel emo and i i did get put into a testing postion for the F35...iam soon to get sonic master in the group as well....
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