Hopefully you won't mind this post on your profile, to not interrupt the people at the Social thread:
I legit don't know how much I should thank you for all the stuff you have done for me since I ever joined this site.
In a way, you have been like the caring internet father who my father IRL never was for me: you gave me support when I needed It, you called me out when It was needed and gave me feedback to learn from those experiences and everytime something big in my life happened which I posted about you were there to celebrate with me.
I really wish I could do anything to thank you for the amount of stuff you have done for me Up to this day: one of my chocolate cakes, a delicious flan, some Persona/SEGA related gift I could make for you... I don't know.
But I do feel you deserve a lot of things for being such a kind, supportive, empathic and wonderful person to have as a friend. Here's hoping that the future smiles back at both of us.
I was also planning to share a picture of all my cats together but I guess I'll wait until pics are working again.