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Nelo Vergil
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  • Just see what you can do with him for a bit you might come to like swinging your sword at opponents
    ah well how about mastering Marth?

    You do use his moves very well to me :)

    glidetossing reminds me of wavedashing in Melee lol
    yea thats my tag :)

    hmm.... It took me awhile to find my main(pretty long) I guess you need to find someone that suits you style the best

    I like Peach because theres a variety of ways you can play

    I also noticed that she isnt on your "I've mained" list :p
    Well you can call me Dinah =) I am indeed a Peach main, nice to meet you

    Sure we can brawl again I thought you mained Marth =/
    Are you free in the window of 1500-1630 EST?

    If so, we maybe able to play our match against Mace...if not, we won't be able to play until Sat. (I'm out of town until then).
    lol. you have to time it right. true. i just like b-air for kills.
    good luck. =) just watch out for marth and mk. crazy hard matches for lucario. =_=

    you did? your good with him. i've been using him for 1-2 months.

    lol. xD
    I am 17. I think anyone could have figured that out I don't think it's an uncommon thing. Anyways I don't wanna go into this with you, sorry, these kind of things usually end up bad for someone.
    thanks. =)
    my falco sucks tbh. lol
    i'm just trying to find a secondary for my lucario. i main him online since my marth fails horribly online.

    hmm.....your cario is pretty solid. probably a little more n-air after f-air. and more b-air.
    not much else. =)
    That was taken way out of context. I think you do care and telling yourself that you don't is making the matter worse. Everyone cares what people think about them it's the human condition, and there is no way around that. The only reason you'd be depressed is because you're needs are left severely unsatisfied, and as humans we desire acceptance and attention. It's the truth and you cannot deny this. No one is different from each other in this regard, believe me when I say this.
    I am not actually joking around with you. You seem to ***** a lot about the things that happen to you online. Why do you care so much? Honestly it's online get over it. Sorry to be so harsh but it's actually kind of annoying.
    I do play MK. You come off as one of those guys who wants to do well yet will play the ****tiest characters. I cannot understand this.
    18.5 hours from when I send this message. That'll be 8 in australian EST if that helps!. If that's not good for you let me know, we'll work out another time
    It's a points system.
    For each tourney you win, you get 7 points. 2nd place gets 3, and 3rd place gets 1. For doubles matchups, the points are split amongst the teammates. So, we each get 3.5 points.

    I won't start asking people about potential prizes until we get to #6 or 7.
    The priority given to my Zelda in said conditions in redonk...I play a decent Zelda, but I become god-like under that lag. :chuckle:

    Yeah, we do win. Recall that this is a seven tourney series with a large reward @ the end. So, be sure to enter the other six.

    Oh, and to make sure that this doesn't happen twice, whenever I make brackets, I will be putting international players on a separate side, unless I know they don't have lag problems.
    GGs though. Who woulda thunk winning would be this easy.

    You are pretty good with the heavyweights...we should definitely team for that tourney SoniKupo's running, if you're cool with it. ;)
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