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  • I was just being dumb.

    Two early mornings ago I had just started my paper about that time.
    I'm scared that one day you'll hack all of NCs accounts and copy pasta all of our PMs and steal them or some shiz.

    I guess you should test it to, but I 2-0'ed Rohan at my tourny iirc.
    Forgot to give you a shoutout since I wanted you to be one of the last ones.
    I'll do it here:

    Our ride was really fun bro. I'm so glad you decided to come because you know how bad driving alone is......
    Anyway, it was awesome just talking the whole ride since that's what I love to do on car trips anyway, but we made the radio work for a bit too haha(90.9 NOOOOOOOO!!!!). We'll definitely talk more about strategies and stuff since I want to train NC like Chops has been training people wherever he goes so I know it can be done. Hit me up for whatever man. Oh yeah, good stuff in teams with Twitch/thanks for teaming with him.
    drephen is really really good on green greens. he stays on the little islands on the side and just tech chases spacies all day. there is literally nowhere for them to tech. just be ready for the tech walljump of the blocks as well.

    also u can dsmash cancel the blocks, thats a neat little trick.

    other than that i hate the stage, fox is good there though
    I guess he's not.

    Karn and....someone will be good lol.

    Foxy needs a teammate too I guess.

    SleepyK is Falco. He has relaly new vids up if you want.

    spaceballs=samus. he's good.
    Chaddd isn't going since chops isn't teaming with him.

    Fullmetal and Soft? are teaming. Fullmetal's team will be good lol and sleepyK's will be good(if they're together you guys will have a very tough time).

    Mike G and whoever.

    Ihavespaceballs and whoever he brings will probably be good.
    Yay and Fullmetal??? I thought Chops and Yay were teaming?

    They're pretty smart, but some of em are mad rusty.

    No clue on Boss Hog, as he's been improving since I saw him last.
    Actually, he might remember playing you but not what you look like. I dunno.

    I would feel really bad if he lost early because he almost always does well. I'm sure he'll have a good time regardless though.
    Lol you only trolled with the posts you lost anyway. =p

    No I didn't tell him. He doesn't even know what you look like lol.

    He is 13 so be nice to him. You can mess with him some but not like hardcore. He won't be mean or anything though.
    Yeah, mad gay. At least last time we were told. Mike G is just doing stuff now.

    Not legit.

    He was about back to his old level already. Lost a little tech skill but I'm sure he'll have it back now.
    read through it...i guess...i dont care about dk

    sp backroom...thats a different story
    Yeah that's what I'm thinking.

    Edit the post after it goes for a page so he has no idea what he said.
    You could make him really excited about it to get their hopes up more.

    "hey guys, I really wanted to wait until I finished testing but I had to let you know that I found some gnarly DK strat that could help us out vs ROB.....

    Just don't post pictures and do stuff like I mentioned.

    Or just make him love everyone like a lot.
    Lol @ Stongers part.

    It wasn't convincing anyway lol.

    Umm, you could have him say he's switching to meta knight because brawl is too gay and play sheik in Melee and that dorsey is fat and ace is angry drunk and killer and flamingo are gay mk players that crutch on mk and main mk and S MK's D and MK should be banned because he's so gay DK can't do anything and then use a bunch of namesearcher's names(like scar's) and call them all c0ckheads.
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