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  • Dude, watch Calle W vs. Smasher89 from SVAR8. These people are ridiculous.
    Forget dat. Tell dem ***** *** parentials y'ont give ****s and where da smash is.
    yeah I knew I was gonna forget it when I left it in your Wii.
    it's cool I'll get it back next time.
    That tournament in two weekends? Umm.....

    I guess? If Stongers doesn't go, then yeah I'll team with you.
    both of you placed above devin who's legit...so you guys must've both gotten a lot better :) and foxy beat duo so that's gotta be worth something. nite
    Wayyy closer to a total. I think it could be repairable though because the engine would still turn over. We'll see.
    yeah, we're both really smart players i guess
    although i found duo really easy.
    you shoulda beat him or made it close imo.
    thanks bro.
    you definitely gave me the hardest time. duo and mits were way easier than you.
    i actually thought i was going to lose our set.
    Sushi Man has been better than me ever since Jan/Feb of this year arguably. Stongers will beat me with MK in tournament unless he chokes. I can't adapt to Duo because I fail. It's supposed to be an easy Marth matchup........
    That is probably the funniest reason I have seen to stay in the Brawl scene.

    Did you see my post in the Brocator thread?
    Ronnie Brown is out for the year. Tell me what your dad did. I'm sure it's gonna work he predicts this type of ****.
    I know. I'm tired of this stupid S.

    His Marth is really good. He does things occasionally that I'm like "wut" about(they're usually minor) but on the whole he does things very well. I like his Marth.

    but no really

    id prefer that be paid online, if not i understand but id rather not deal with too much cash at the venue
    Yeah, HBK could beat me. If I play my game then I think I'll be fine though.

    Like always, I won't sleep on anyone.
    That's....not good then.



    Okay seriously though I'd probably want whatever you don't like to pay for. <3
    I'm getting close to sleeping lol. =p

    What do you think cost you vs DJ? You need to answer this.

    Guess he needs to win more or something.

    Lol neither of you blame each other, how's that? You made a mistake, and then he made a mistake as well. Both got equally punished. If you would just shake it off instead of dwell on it then you guys would do better.

    Playing other characters almost always helps your main out. The balance here should still be on your main, but learning different characters can only improve you as a player and as a representative of your character.
    Definitely agree with that.

    Is SP still improving then? It looked like you guys were when I saw you at Duke, but it couldn't hurt to get your opinion on things.
    Yeah, but I'm going to make sure Smith never partakes of that nonsense again. We had a talk about it and I think I can get him to quit if SP doesn't try to make him feel bad when they go out to smoke mid-tourney.
    what??? white people started chilling with karl in middle school. I won't toke with em cause he's a ***. Hahaha.
    I can't wait to MK ditto, that shiz is so fun (and im not being sarcastic, I won't be disappointed if brawl devolves into only MK dittos.)
    I was listening to that last night before you sent it, lol. Wil has it on his ipod I'm pretty sure.
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