I'm sure after playing fifteen hours and five days really gets you back to where you were. Unfortunately for me I only get one day and probably five hours. And please don't say you suck. I don't like it when people say that or even tell me that. I'm not sure how good you have gotten since we've last played, but if you're avoiding CPU's and going to All is Brawl playing in the Free Play or joined the Ladder, sure enough you'll get better eventually. That's what I did.
And if you are playing against CPU's, please don't. It causes a bad habit. I've been playing CPU's in Melee and I found myself rolling towards actual players and getting punished for it. If you have nobody to play online, you should look up some Ness videos. Look up maybe NeoMagic, ViceGrip, Dog Latin, whoever. Anybody you know is good. And don't just watch it. See what they do and see if you can figure out why it works the way it works.