Lol, and I'm dancing, too. Falling into the same routine, flicking through the TV...okay I'll stop quoting Goodnight and Go now.
Anyway yeah, I figured school had gone bat**** crazy on you. =( Yay at it being almost over though! We'll have to discuss the Lit/Stat exams, I'm curious what you thought of them. (Oh, just saying though, I totally had a nerdgasm at number 6 on the Stat exam.)
Are you (pretty much) done with stuff now, or is stuff still not going to be completely over 'til finals? i.e., do you think you'll be on this weekend? We'll have to catch up whenever it is you do get on, so much has been going on this past month (some for better, some for worse...well, no, I take that back -- everything ultimately for better, I'd say, just some things were less fun than others) and some awesome **** went down on Tuesday.
Anyway lol, hopefully we'll talk on AIM again soon. Now that my AP exams are over I have some stuff going on in Lit, but my other 2 APs are pretty fully concluded and all I have besides that is Forensics and Journalism, both of which are easy as hell, so I imagine I'll be on pretty early almost every night now.