I've recently started a new file and am fusing everything backwards. Unlocked Grannest / Layazero / Florias naturally, fused Wiral 'cause that's my home planet, and I'm farming a Time for Yooj right now.
I've noticed something really interesting.
My most preferred way to play right now is CPU Level 5, Difficulty 1.
The entire metagame shifts when you do this.
Haven't been able to test Brabbit, but I suspect it won't be able to get its stack going fast enough before other people throw their stuff down and make its life hell.
Globin? Remember that weak planet that could barely survive? This thing is a monster.
It doesn't hit that "you die instantly" until about 10 minutes in, and it keeps its amazing offensive prowess, making it really tough for planets that have an annihilation curve any smaller than Globin.
I just had a match against Globin / Hotted / Anasaze with Starrii. Anasaze went down at 3:44, Hotted at 3:56.
Globin made me fight for my life all the way to 5:46. Everything relied on burning Zoo or H2O, it felt like.
Though I have ended up having to rally Layazero v Grannest a lot...10 minutes of "If you screw up you lose"
Just got to Brabbit
The verdict: Still completely, utterly overpowering.