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  • ninja talbi and mercs treads are interchangeable. If they have more AD+auto attackers, ninja talbis helps not only in team fights to keep you alive as the tanky-DPS, but also early lane phase.

    However, mercs treads gives you that sweet tenacity boost to keep the exausts + slows off. AND the MR, which is desperately needed against those burster champs during ganks/team fights/chasing.

    I would use mercs over talbis IF you dont grab shur. rev, because the shur rev should counteract exausts and slows/disables for you to run fast.

    Shur rev is a definite choice item but its much better to just rely on the CDR from glacial shroud and farm passively while joining in team fights occasionally mid game.

    If you know you can just farm while the rest of your team sustains (lets say you have AP sion, caitlyn, jungle bear, and alistar/soraka/janna/sona as support), then you can def. get away with farming all game, so shur rev IS a good choice, ESPECIALLY with tele.

    I used to always rush Shur rever but its better to gauge ur options first. same with the talbis.
    Absolutely no idea what that means D:
    I need to try learning some Japanese I guess :]
    The fact that they made project M, and that people are playing it, depresses me. I always thought melee sucked *** tbh. What are your thoughts on this?

    Also, hey hows it going?
    You've still some time before it happens, just remember to hit the books/study up before it and im sure you'll do fine. Besides like any test you can always retake it if you fail or are not satisfied with your results. Maybe even take a SAT prep class if you feel its necessary.
    Same here, though sometimes I welcome the change of pace school offers upon having (long) vacations.
    I see, I've actually been playing melee alittle bit more myself. In fact I just unlocked G&W yesterday (used to have everything but I erased my data when my first melee disc went Ka-poot way back when. :p ) only thing I need to unlock now is FD. Lv 49 is my only complication (since lv 51 is usually relatively easy with Jiggz.) I get super close too. My closest time was with Ganondorf when I was at like 160% or something going into the last battle, the Ganondorf CPU tryed to UpB me (He tends to spam the crap out of this in the battles..lol) but he wasn't close enough to me and missed then I punished him way hard and almost 0-death him (He was at around 113 or somewhere around there) but he UpB'ed while I was in the moment and killed me.
    take a look at my rune page on league, just right click me and view my profile and then go to runes :)
    I been pretty good, been alittle bit busier than the usual though that might just be because I just had Spring Break last week. xD
    How about yourself, what have you been up to?
    I use the same rune page as nasus and seem to have good sustain in jungle and lane. Having destruction desolation w/e runes is nice and all, but if you're not surviving the lane phase whats the point.

    You'd do well to remember that for when you choose ur runes. I DID use a guide for my rune page, and it said resiliance, warding, and desolation were nice, along with 3 quints for vamp, which is good for both character :3
    You are most welcome!

    To be honest, Warwick was my second pick too LOL I love junglewick, very exhilarating and satisfying.
    Also, for items:

    Health Regen Pendant + HP Pot
    If you are you fighting squishies with less range:
    rush Sheen so you can do trades and quickly kill them when they have low mana.
    If you are fighting tankies
    rush glacial shroud (the shield that builds into frozen heart) so you can have CDR to farm like crazy
    If you are fighting a kite team/kite solo
    rush ninja talbi for the extra defense against them

    My main build goes:
    Philosophers Stone (for mana/hp regen, drop it when late game for better 6th item AFTER other items are built)
    Shoes (talbis if being kited, mercs if not)
    Sheen (then late game build into Trinity)
    Glacial Shroud (then mid game build into Frozen Geart)
    Those are your core. The team you fight makes the rest change.

    Auto-attackers: Always grab Thornmail after your core is finished.
    Lots of Magic!: Grab a negatron cloak and build that into your Force of Nature late game before anything
    Lots of AD!: Grab some armor, either building a chain mail into randuins, guardian angel (if you know you're gunna die as the focus), or Sunfire cape if you want to make it easier to Q waves.
    I don't normally pay attn to the guides. I started playing Nasus when I first started the game.

    What you ought to shoot for is to make your Q stay at the same pace as the time. So if you are just starting, you are at disadvantage obviously because the time starts and you won't actually start farming until 2 minutes in. So, what you want to shoot for is to make your Q have a 1:1 ratio with the time. By 10 minutes, you want at least 100 on your Q or more. By 20 minutes, IF you've kept the same pace, your Q will be 220-250, depending on the number of farmers trying to take your lane.

    So, the best way to keep this 1:1 ratio is to get consistent, and be in a solo lane. I've even come to taking mid lane, not caring if I am being kited.

    If you're being kited (long range user forcing you to your tower)
    1. Stay by your tower.
    2. Let minions get hit twice by tower if they are regular melee minions, THEN Q them.
    3. Strike mage unions once, then let the tower hit them, THEN Q them.
    4. Siege unions are your source for life steal. Smack them WITH the tower's help until it's low enough and then use your Q to ensure the more profitable CS AND a farm on your Q.

    If you're not being kited, and you are solo:

    1. Keep moving, smack one to two minions with basics alternating between the two until one is weak and then Q them. Always do it to the front minions, so that you don't weaken the whole wave before you can Q them before YOUR wave kills them.

    2. when they are weak, Q them for the last hits.

    I always carry teleport/ghost because I'm always solo lane. If you have a partner, prepare to be your team's carry, and tell your support to NOT attack the minions, but instead harrass the opponents, and stay close for experience.

    I usually average 300+ every game, regardless of time. If it's longer, I usually get larger. The largest I've held on my Q was 640+ in a 75 minute game, and that includes quick team fights.
    Lol it's fine XD

    I'll just check your wall for responses, more now. <3 :3

    Can you play today? :D
    *hug* Well, I really gotta study right now (forums are so distracting x_X). I'll probably be free to brawl some time this weekend tho.
    The song was good for the most part.

    I'm just trying to get exempt so I can get out early... *hug*

    Am so bored lately... Idk what to do. Do you brawl online?
    I think I just unintentionally came off as gay in the furries group... How are you doing?

    I lost so hard @ brownys post. XD
    Haha for sure, and yeah I would like to try it out :) Probably this weekend I can.
    Ah, sorry your game's not being very friendly. :( Basically any MMO I have played followed the same pattern and released some broken update or became too complicated, etc for me to really want to continue playing. I haven't downloaded it yet, but I still want to try it out to see how it is :p And I hope you do well on your Physics final :)
    Everything is well :) We apparently got rain today but I was sleeping :[
    Usually don't want it, but I really wish Summer was here already. I don't much care for Spring all too much :p How are things with you going?
    It's pretty good. Just been hanging out with friends and stuff, enjoying spring break n such.

    How about yourself?
    The 9th of April, gonna be super old now :[
    And I saw your post, I'm sure you'll do better next time, it happens :]
    Life's not too bad, same thing different day pretty much :p Only a little until my birthday too. Things have been alright. How's things with you? :3
    I love the first one. XD
    And thanks, I was just worried you'd freak out because of the stereo types that are out there. :(

    Edit: and I just realized that when I've been off my meds for a certain period of time I get the secret urge to want to hug... But I don't because that sometimes wierds people the **** out. :/
    I have something to tell you, I want to answer Vinylls question in the furries group but I don't want to be trolled/flamed/people never talk to me again... and idk if I should tell them...
    I have slight case schizophrenia or paranoia, it's nothing major but the drs. don't know what to call it yet, but they are leaning more twoards paranoia. That just means I feel like people are out to get me but NOT that I'm a crazy murderer or something and please remember it's a very small case of it...
    Does this mean you're going to treat me differently?
    Well trust me when I say this:

    There is nothing bad about watching the show, as many other teens and adults have been watching it too. I'm not saying it's weird, I'm saying that they don't give a doritos about watching it. They just watch because they find it less boring. So it's the same to all bronies.
    You're gonna have to watch the show.

    Honestly, the people who says that other people who watch this show is weird clearly has not seen weird on themselves and everybody else. Besides, this doesn't even have to do with anything but internet and entertainment for all cartoon fans. :)
    Most be from playing with Mario so much in a variety of sports and stuff. :p
    That or ribbon dancing a hobby of his when he's not playing with Mario, kidnapping princesses, etc.
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