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  • (Why the hell did I type "Wondering"? >.<)

    Any plans to rebuild? Even if just in social group form? :(
    P.S. Also, this...
    "Jigglypuff, Pikachu, Pokemon, and Marth are unisex and are not exactly female"
    ...made me LOL. xD
    So what happened to the Next Wonder Gaming social group? The group is still there, but now all the post wotsits are gone. =-O
    You betcha I rep. Z/S =D. I hope to be the best w/ them someday; I like to think I'm already rather good w/ them. The trepedation I had in entering it stemmed from the fact that I HATE dittos to the point I almost refuse to do them; I have several reasons for this, of which I wont get into now... But anyway I'm thinking of picking up another character as a supplement. So I'd use that character against Z/S users. Though honestly I hate beating up on Zelda in general DX
    KC, pic is finished! BUT-

    My scanner reduced the image to horrific quality. Excuse how pixellated it looks, there's nothing I can do without my proper editing programs/tablet.

    Nevertheless, http://i38.tinypic.com/5b9ob5.jpg

    Let me know what you think.
    Ah, I see. Tough luck. x.x I hope you get another one soon. =p What do you have to play in the meantime?
    :o I wanna join, i just saw it Kasey..right? ^_^
    Since is main Zelda, secondary Peach and my third is ZSS well.. you know :3
    It's Saturday or Sunday but at what time does it start D:
    Almost done with the colouring, so if I can get my scanner up and running I could get the pic to you by tonight. No guarantees, though.
    The Mastermind.... EM X sounds better than Tanner X, i prefer to keep myrealy name out of this. I like the sound of The Mastermind. Im like Sylar from Heroes, taking/getting ridof all the powers.
    Then thats what Ill do, I wont bother you, and start things slowly again, I really am sorry about things, even if you dont believe it
    I get people close to me because I care about them, not a bunch of sob stories, I could care less about rank and crap, I care about losing a friend, I want this fighting to end KC, it makes me sad to see us this way, so lets start over, no more antagonizing one another, no more bickering, think of me as you want, think its a contest, but I just want to be your friend and to see you well and happy, and to not fight with you over little things
    Alright, I'll send an invite.

    But unfortunately, you're right. That's one of the major factors that made me decide to make this room.
    Lol, w/e you say about the director thing, and some people think you need to stop the **** more, seriously (and I just requested to become one, itll be a lil)
    OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Villian sounds awesome. i can get away with more stuff. ive never been a villain before, but i think i could be a good Sylar-like character. ill gladly step up to the plate for that.
    Ok, so I didn't start colouring yet, because I seem to ruin my pics when I colour them. So before I colour it, just making sure of a these things:

    My costume is based off of this, (<clicky) correct?

    If so, what part of the outfit did you want to be the respective Bio Boy colour (in my case, blue)? I was thinking of leaving the pants and under-vest thing black and making the grey vest blue as well as the grey lower-pants-thing, the shoes and the red collar part (basically, everything that's not black.) Is that alright?
    Cool. I made all the characters. You dont have to do a thing, but post comments and questions. Up to you. Just please dont be picky. We struggle with what we got. T T
    so no game yet then? ok. im not really good at this brainstorming thing. ill try to help as best i can. ill start with brainstorming my character. i think i should be wearing red and/or black somehow. like my shirt is a red, but my coat is black or something
    I finished the drawing, but I need to colour it. That was much quicker than I thought it would be...

    Also, I don't know how soon I can get it to you because my scanner is **cked up like the rest of my computer right now. It's supposed to be reformatted soon... hopefully.
    Lol, alright. Blue hair is awesome.

    Since we're twins, I'll just draw my face and it can be redone to your liking.
    Fine, Ill admit I was wrong, and Im sorry for it, I really am, and Im tired of only fighting with you to, so lets stop the fights and be friends again
    Im sorry for having an a fun arguement with you KC, but please dont kick me out of the group for it, we're friends right? Thats what matters for the group right?
    Yo, Heartz. Just wanted to let you know that I finished the character models on Mitsurugi and Duo for Project Substance. I tried to avoid the cliche "Sephiroth" look cuz I'm sure its being overused as we speak. Mitsu will post it up soon so, I've done my part. I hope it isnt too low quality for whoever will be dealing with it afterwards.
    you are cute. lol
    the thread getting closed was gay. spam and pointless conversation can be fun sometimes
    Soo....I represent dimples? o.o

    And, before I post it...my character has very tiny wings. <.<
    It was all Adam's idea! *Runs*
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