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#HBC | J
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  • Hey J! Do you want to do our match for Z'Z's tournament now? I'm available so, I can do it now. Good Luck to you! And let's have a great match!
    Well, the first story was The Legend of Zelda, then there's Metroid, Star Fox, Ratchet & Clank, Halo, Fire Emblem, Phantasy Star, and finally Brawl. As of now, I have an almost final draft of the Zelda story (which you can find in the creative minds forum, just search for TUSM), and I have rough drafts done of the Metroid and Star Fox stories. Since my laptop broke, I've only been writing up first drafts, but I should be getting another one somtime soon, so I can start typing/revising soon.

    And, writer's block is such a pain. I've experienced so much of it recently.
    Six write ups have yet to be written, and I'd much rather re-write the original 12 to make them sound more consistent, unbiased, and more appealing.
    Alright, I'm glad that we're on the same terms. I don't think that I'll be doing any more work tonight, because I'm sure that you and I are both tired. I'll probably give the Compendium one more run-through to check for MU inconsistancies and the like, however.
    If I ask you to perform a character write up, I do hope that you wouldn't mind if you ran the write up by me, preferably through a PM. If I decide to use it, I'll let you know if I make any changes, and make sure that you get all the credit that you deserve.
    I have around 49 pages to search through to create a thorough summary for 18 discussed characters. For the most part, I have nothing of use due to the fact that our board for the most part was nothing more than a group of lazy and arrogant trolls. The little information that I do have is either uselessly biased, or idiotic, to say the least. I'm not saying that I'm not guilty of any of this, but my resources are fairly limited.

    As for the doubles discussion, take your time. I have a LOT of work to do.
    I appreciate that. Even if our board is extremely inactive, I want it to be the most well-designed and organized inactive board that we can make it. If I need any help, I'll be sure to contact you.
    If it helps I think Link is terrible and I still CO-main him with Lucario. :p

    Yeah I like Luc in doubles I just wish I didn't live super long so I wouldn't get the huge debuff from everyone else being alive.
    It's not so much Jiggs is bad, more so she isn't too hot against Lucario.

    Yeah still to your mains you'll do better.
    ZSS is funny, I think Snakee or someone was claiming the MU was 60:40 ZSS' favor...and he loses to four different high level Lucarios. I think it's 50:50, she really can juggle and outspace him, even if she lacks good OSS options, but Lucario's OOS options aren't that great on her either if she spaces correctly.

    Jiggs, I'm sorry but she doesn't do well against Lucario. She can't really reliably kill Lucario or even gimp him. plus add in the spacing and it's a lot harder.

    So I agree from experience that ZSS and Lucas are your get bets.

    If you want to be really mean to Lucario's go DDD, it's his worst MU by far. :p
    Lucas isn't a bad choice, I have a friend, Spongejordan, who mains Lucas. He's wrecked my Falco before and even has taken games off my Lucario. Only reason he doesn't beat me is a player thing. I think I'm just better at Smash than he is by a bit but he is learning and I think he will catch up to me pretty soon.

    I can't aura sphere Lucas for crap he's gotten good at reading my shots and heals 30% :/, it's pretty annoying when he does.

    One thing I would watch out for is when Lucario grabs Lucas. You know Marth's little grab release trick, Lucario can do the same thing. I haven't checked frame data on it but if Lucario buffers a dash I'm pretty sure he can get a regrab on a ground release. He walks Lucas or Ness across a stage he's only going to get 3-4 regrabs + Dthrow/Fthrow and his pummels do .5%. Despite this Lucas' fair, nair, and other moves work out pretty well. shutting down Aura sphere is a good start add in the decent kill power with the disjoints he has and he's good.
    Sorry I just noticed your message, my fault.

    G&W is better against newer Lucario's since he is better and exploiting the rolls habits. The only problem is once the Lucario's get better they stop roll spamming and rely more on ground spacing. If G&W gets him in the air it's sometimes hard to get back down. Still when I'm on the ground I don't feel that threatened by G&W even if he spaces with turtle.

    Oh and careful with bucket, I've baited it and even let some G&W's get some aura spheres to get a free Fsmash off at kill %.
    Well thanks, but i wasn't pleased w/ my performance. I did well against boss despite SDing at a low percent. He out played me. I lost to GIMR 0-2. I went lucas game 1 against his IC's and it was close. Game 2 i decided to go snake for the lawlz and he destroyed it. lol, i should've stayed lucas. and when i was in loser's bracket i beat a lucario main. Oh well.

    As for dubz... which set did u see? Me and HiME vs. Xzax and Smurf? If that's the one you saw, then you saw i did really well game 1 but my partner died twice in the first minute of the game. I was so mad. He failed big time. And then game two i got gimped my last stock at like 9%. I was so mad. But oh well. We never practiced together so we'll need to do that. Oh and Smurf is in my crew so he plays me and HiME all the time, lol. And i play w/ Xzax a lot bc he lives near me. haha.
    Yeah, I write. i'm not a great writer. Not yet, anyway. I'm currently working on a series of fanfics taking place in several different games. When I'm finished with that, I'm going to start working on my own story which is gonna be 100% original.

    And, yes, that was me doing the accent on the livestream.
    Haha thanks. I just saw Ponyo the other day and I loved it. She's too cute.
    there's honestly not much to tell about ddd per se, it all comes with experience

    i can show you some stuff if you want, we're having a smashfest today (friday) @ sassy's house in bowie if you wanna come by
    lol J you are so a regular.

    Man you're cheerfulness always manages to keep me up. That's a great quality to have.
    kk. Gonna finish making this thread and the OTL interview thread. Then that :)
    I've been pretty busy so I'm probably not going to be able to do much until I get back from vacation... I'm gonna at least try to set that up though. I just have a lot to do @_@.
    Yeah that was fun. And no stoopid lag getting in the way either xD

    I really thought I'd lose them all. Really close :s
    Well if it was up to me I'd start on Pictochat. I'd also CP Pirate Ship :3
    lol it actually looks a lot like haruhi but its Yurippe from Angel Beats which you should watch if you havent yet there are 13 episodes and its amazing xD
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