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  • What is North AZ Uni well known for? And ditto, but I gotta save up enough money for a car then a house. Won't be for a while. :urg:

    Oh yeah? Good to hear, you should move to Canada where we have free health care IMO. :smirk:

    Haha, me too. Gotta make ends meet, eh?

    I graduated from college back in April, haha. It was for Marketing. :p
    Ah I see. Yeah, considering how time flies you have to enjoy every moment of relaxation you can get. It's good you're doing great. =)

    I'm doing good. Just waiting to leave Florida which will be in about 2 weeks. So I've already started packing stuff I won't be using. Can't wait to go on transfer leave. =)
    Good to hear, and I hear ya. It was quite rare for me during my school years to have a schedule with all good classes. :p

    Which college do you attend and for what?

    You ever have a job?

    I've been good, busy with work and playing ME2 on my 360.
    Alright, thanks.

    And how have you been lately? How's life/work/school etc. ?

    Sucks I didn't follow through on Sunday where I planned on playing friendlies of MK7 and/or MKWii, but got distracted with something else.
    Do you want the LH tournament postbits for both tournaments or just one?
    So...are you guys having a tournament for MKW or something?

    You gotta keep me in the loop or something lol. :p
    That sounds good :D. I'm doing fine, just gota get back in shape for school mostly after the break. I'm happy though because i'm going to a tournament this weekend and my cousin is coming over saturday (one of my good cousins, yay!!!) and since my b-day is next week, but not on a school day because of the break, my club is having a all rainbow cruise day for melee since they know I love that stage. Going to be a lot of fun tomorrow :)
    Hello Gatorin, how's life going? Just wanted to check up on how your doing. Got any plans for the weekend and are you on break next week?
    Are you familiar with the AVGN on YouTube? (I wasn't too fond of the Zelda games on the DS...)

    Didn't Capcom help Nintendo make the Minish Cap?
    Awwww thank you <3. I really like this card! I gave it to my brother before he left, it means a lot to me. Thanks Gatlin :D
    How about the CD-I games? :troll:

    I should really replay the Minish Cap one of these days...how come they haven't made a sequel to that game yet??? D:
    The Deku tree's curse was Navi, and he gave her to you just before he died. Having Navi around you was nothing more than an obstacle.

    Fi was cool.

    I see you're sporting Midna though. You gotta sport ghost Zelda from Spirit Tracks cause she's the coolest partner.
    Cam has been very good, but very tired. He was at improv today, and sadly it's his last tournament, so he's a little bummed out... but otherwise very good.
    Yes! I'm so glad somebody picked up on the Buffy avatar. One of my friends is obsessed with the show and recently got me into it, and now I'm obsessed, haha. Giles is definitely my favorite character, all of my friends and I have agreed that I'm very close to being him.
    No problem, your my friend. :) It sounds like it's getting better in a way then (I hope).
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