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  • I wrote an e-mail to the News Station about that terrible story, and they wrote back to me with this:

    Thanks for your comments. I know several people agree with your assessment of the piece. I acknowledge it could have been better. It was meant to be a heads up for parents. Unfortunately, our source's comments that we decided to air seemed to take the story away from its original intent. We're considering a follow up piece. Thanks again for writing and have a good day.
    Von Godot is the coolest thing ever!
    Heya firus :)

    I am wondering if u can resize this 2 avatar size and cut squirtle halfway like u did the other one.
    Hey Firus, are you up for a Brawl match sometime? I just got Wii Wifi working, so I'm eager to start playing against other people. What do you think?
    Eh, not much myself.
    As for the CPS, I just need a break for a while. I'm a bit sick of the angst, pointless/stupid arguements, Zrky, and the general feeling of... well, crappiness, for lack of a better word. Just kidding about Zrky.
    It's past 1 AM and I'm laying in bed, and I got this weird urge to tell you that I'm listening to the song Dragostea Din Tei.
    Sorry to bother you but I have 1 last request,
    can u simply resize this to a profile picture size?(100x100)
    actually just the top part of squirtle,his head to half of his shell.
    Plz plz plz Please!!!!

    hey firus can u cut out squirtle and the background and make it into a avatar size?
    just squirtle and the forest.
    I'm glad both of you reached an agreement, you two have honestly NO FREAKING IDEA how hard that is to do. Congrats to both of you, you have done the hardest thing to possibly do in all of humanity.

    And I'm sorry if I got you mad as well, my advice didn't work so well for you as it did for MK, and for that I take full blame. And don't worry, the CPS wont be closed forever, it'll be closed for a day at most, I'll talk with the mods.
    MK is very scared that your honestly leaving over the argument, and hes also scared that your not going to be his friend anymore. He wants to be your friends, he likes you, he doesn't think your crazy or terrible. Could you help him with his problem by talking directly with him and keeping your head leveled? I know its hard, but maybe saying your sorry for letting the fight consume you like it did him, and making arrangements to fix things so this never happens again?

    (Which you have, you unbanned Crissy for MK, which was the base of the argument, now a sorry, and there will be no more fighting.)
    Replied to your post in the CPShop social group. Thank you for making your point clear, I didn't know where you stood in all this until you told me. for that I'm grateful.
    Firus, question, do you hate MK? Hes your friend. You shouldn't hate him, he thinks your great, and he would love to make things right with you, but doesn't trust himself to talk to you right now, as he is afraid he'll get you more angry. I'll speak on his behalf since that is the case, so tell me exactly makes you mad my friend, and if its anything about you being less then what you are, ABOLISH those thoughts, your really awesome, don't let yourself or anyone else tell you otherwise.
    Chill your jets, dude.
    Well, I never actually got to use Cressy, so....I guess it wasn't worth it.
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